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Jesus and the Magical Garden

In a place so bright, before day and night, Jesus thought of a magical sight. He whispered ‘Let there be light’ and with a twinkle, the stars did ignite.

A twinkling night sky with sparkling stars and a magical aura

He painted the sky with hues so high, purple, pink, and bright blue too. With a brush in hand, He created the land, lush fields and mountains with grand views.

A gentle figure with a radiant aura, holding a brush, surrounded by nature and celestial wonders painting the sky with vibrant colors, mountains and fields coming into view

Jesus took a big puff, gave a magical huff, and islands popped up, each with a poof! ‘Splash!’ said the ocean, with happy commotion, waves dancing with joyful emotion.

Islands emerging from the sea with seagulls flying and waves splashing joyfully

Flowers so fair, Love in the air, each petal glistening with utmost care. He planted each tree, so wild and free, ‘Grow tall, grow strong,’ He said with glee.

A lush garden with colorful flowers and tall, leafy trees shimmering in the sunlight

With a swish and a flick, Jesus created a trick, animals pranced and danced so quick. Lions with pride, birds in stride, bees buzzing as they zoom with a glide.

Various animals dancing and jumping around in a vibrant, magical forest

He made the birds sing, on every wing, melodies sweet that joyously ring. ‘Fly high!’ He declared, ‘Without fear or care!’ The sky filled with music so rare.

Colorful birds singing harmoniously while flying across a clear blue sky

The sun so gold, with warmth to hold, greeted the moon with stories of old. Shadow and light, played with delight, moonbeams danced through the night.

Golden sun and a silver moon sharing the sky, casting shadows and light in beautiful harmony

Upon the soft grass, in fields so vast, Jesus revealed a world so fast. Everything in place, with a gentle grace, He smiled at the wonder of His space.

Sprawling green fields with gentle streams and wildflowers, with A gentle figure with a radiant aura, holding a brush, surrounded by nature and celestial wonders smiling

Every creature on earth, had a moment of mirth, in a place so grand, full of worth. Jesus then said, with love widespread, ‘This is your home, where joy will spread.’

Animals gathered around A gentle figure with a radiant aura, holding a brush, surrounded by nature and celestial wonders, celebrating and rejoicing in their new magical home

With a simple rhyme, at the end of time, the world began its beautiful chime. ‘Love and care, everywhere, Remember my touch, always there.’

A gentle figure with a radiant aura, holding a brush, surrounded by nature and celestial wonders standing tall, a serene light glowing around Him, as the world bursts into harmonious life

And so the world bright, full of delight, was a place of peace, shining and bright. Jesus watched them play, each and every day, His creation dancing in a merry ballet.

Fields, mountains, ocean, and animals celebrating in joy as A gentle figure with a radiant aura, holding a brush, surrounded by nature and celestial wonders looks on with a peaceful smile

So remember, dear friend, where it began, with a whisper, a brush, and a magical plan. Thank Jesus so kind, for the wonders you find, in His magical garden so brilliantly designed.

A final image of the entire world with a radiant sun, vibrant nature, and all creatures coexisting in happiness

Reflection Questions

  • How do you think Jesus felt while creating the world?
  • What is your favorite part of the magical garden and why?
  • How can you show love and care for the world around you, just like Jesus did?

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