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Justus und die lustige Reise zum Schrottplatz
Justus wackelte mit dem durcheinandergebrachten Puzzle und reparierte voller Freude Aufzüge.

Pretend to turn a wrench and say 'fix, fix, fixed!'

Brown hair, blue eyes, tall and kind, always smiling at the junkyard, fixing an elevator with his sisters, Blonde curls, green eyes, playful and caring, full of giggles and Black hair, brown eyes, energetic and sweet, with a big heart.
Julina sprang jubelnd auf und jubelte gemeinsam mit Justus.

Jump up and down and say 'jiggle, jiggle, jolly!'

Brown hair, blue eyes, tall and kind, always smiling and Blonde curls, green eyes, playful and caring, full of giggles exploring the city, laughing and jumping by an elevator.
Jara jonglierte freudig mit jazzigen Jingles, voller Freude auf der Reise.

Pretend to juggle and say 'juggle, juggle, joy!'

Brown hair, blue eyes, tall and kind, always smiling, Blonde curls, green eyes, playful and caring, full of giggles, and Black hair, brown eyes, energetic and sweet, with a big heart walking through the city, admiring tall buildings.
Gemeinsam klingelten, tappten und gingen sie auf Zehenspitzen und nahmen sich die Zeit, die hoch aufragende Stadt zu schätzen.

Pretend to tiptoe and whisper 'tinkle, toddle, tiptoe!'

Brown hair, blue eyes, tall and kind, always smiling, Blonde curls, green eyes, playful and caring, full of giggles, and Black hair, brown eyes, energetic and sweet, with a big heart exploring a bustling city street, marveling at the sights and sounds.
Sie probierten verlockende Leckereien und erzählten Geschichten von ihrem großartigen Abenteuer.

Pretend to eat ice cream and say 'taste, tell, terrific!'

Brown hair, blue eyes, tall and kind, always smiling, Blonde curls, green eyes, playful and caring, full of giggles, and Black hair, brown eyes, energetic and sweet, with a big heart sitting on a bench, eating ice cream and sharing stories.
Sie schätzten die Zeit zum Reden und Vertrauen und nahmen sich die Zeit, anderen, denen sie begegneten, Zärtlichkeit zu zeigen.

Pretend to help someone and say 'talk, trust, tenderness!'

Brown hair, blue eyes, tall and kind, always smiling, Blonde curls, green eyes, playful and caring, full of giggles, and Black hair, brown eyes, energetic and sweet, with a big heart helping an elderly person carry groceries, showing kindness.
Die Reise war lustiger, weil sie ihre Freude teilten und unterwegs Empathie fanden.

Hug someone close and say 'join, joy, journey!'

Brown hair, blue eyes, tall and kind, always smiling, Blonde curls, green eyes, playful and caring, full of giggles, and Black hair, brown eyes, energetic and sweet, with a big heart walking home together, smiling and laughing.

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