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Kaden and the Magical Monster Truck

Kaden loved to drive his magical monster truck.

girl with messy hair, wearing a red cap. driving a magical monster truck

One day, Kaden went on an adventure.

girl with messy hair, wearing a red cap. driving his magical monster truck on an adventure

He came across a forest and heard a sad cry.

girl with messy hair, wearing a red cap. listening to a sad cry in a forest

Kaden stopped and listened carefully.

girl with messy hair, wearing a red cap. stopping and listening carefully

It was a little bird stuck in a tree!

girl with messy hair, wearing a red cap. finding a Tiny bird with blue feathers and a yellow beak. stuck in a tree

Kaden used his monster truck's magic powers to save the bird.

girl with messy hair, wearing a red cap. using magic powers to save the bird

The bird was grateful and started to sing happily.

The bird singing happily

Kaden continued his adventure, always listening for others in need.

girl with messy hair, wearing a red cap. driving his monster truck and listening carefully

He helped a lost bunny find its way home.

girl with messy hair, wearing a red cap. helping a Cute bunny with brown fur and floppy ears.

Kaden's good listening made the world a happier place.

girl with messy hair, wearing a red cap. making the world a happier place

Reflection Questions

  • Why did Kaden stop in the forest?
  • Who else did Kaden help on his adventure?
  • How did Kaden make the world a happier place?

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