Once upon a time, in a land filled with ancient legends, there lived a brave and kind-hearted teenager named Kalki. One day, a wise sage told Kalki about a prophecy that foretold the rise of an evil force called Kali, who would bring darkness and chaos to the world. To stop this from happening, Kalki had to gather the help of the Seven Chiranjivis, immortal beings with extraordinary powers.
Kalki embarked on a grand adventure, traveling across mountains and rivers, forests and deserts, in search of the Chiranjivis. The first Chiranjivi he encountered was Hanuman, the mighty monkey warrior. With his super strength and agility, Hanuman agreed to join Kalki on his quest to defeat Kali.
Next, Kalki found Bhima, a powerful warrior with unmatched bravery and a heart as big as his massive build. Bhima pledged to use his immense strength to help Kalki in their battle against Kali.
As Kalki continued his journey, he encountered Parashurama, a fierce and skilled warrior who wielded a mighty axe. Parashurama agreed to lend his expertise in combat to Kalki's cause.
The fourth Chiranjivi Kalki discovered was Ashwatthama, a master of ancient arts and a great archer. With his exceptional aim and wisdom, Ashwatthama willingly joined Kalki's valiant team.
In his continued search, Kalki encountered Vibhishana, a wise and just ruler of the island kingdom of Lanka. Vibhishana offered his strategic knowledge and insight to Kalki, knowing that they must unite to stand against the impending darkness.
Finally, Kalki encountered his last comrade, Markandeya, an ancient sage who had witnessed countless ages of the world. Markandeya possessed immense wisdom and knowledge of the cosmic forces, becoming an invaluable asset to Kalki's team.
With the Seven Chiranjivis by his side, Kalki felt brave and determined to confront Kali. United, they formed an unstoppable force, ready to protect their world from the rising darkness.
Reflection Questions