Word: 'nestled' - settle or lie comfortably within. Can you write a sentence using the word 'nestled'?
Word: 'vowed' - promise solemnly. Use 'vowed' in a sentence of your own.
Word: 'curious' - eager to know or learn. Can you make a sentence with the word 'curious'?
Word: 'stumbled' - trip or momentarily lose one's balance. Write a sentence using 'stumbled'.
Word: 'exclaimed' - say something suddenly, loudly in surprise. Use 'exclaimed' in a new sentence.
Word: 'determination' - Definition: resolve to do something. Ask: Write a sentence with a synonym for 'determination'.
Word: 'puzzle' - a game, problem, or toy that tests a person's ingenuity. Create a sentence that includes the word 'puzzle'.
Word: 'key' - a small piece of metal that opens locks. Please use the word 'key' in a sentence.
Word: 'creaked' - squeak or groan when being moved. Write a sentence where something 'creaked'.
Word: 'connection' - relationship or link. Write a sentence that shows what 'connection' means.
Word: 'memories' - something remembered from the past. Use 'memories' in a sentence.
Word: 'grateful' - showing appreciation. Can you write a sentence with 'grateful'?