Kelana, a clever kid, dreams of saving Earth. Planets playfully prance.
Zoom! Zippy zephyrs whoosh around Kelana’s kite. 'Wee!' he giggles, flying high.
On a moonlit night, mysterious meteors murmur in the sky. 'Wow!' whispers Kelana.
Crack! Clattering comets crash and collide creating cosmic chaos. Kelana gasps.
Tiptoeing timidly, tiny aliens tip their top hats to Kelana. 'Hello!' they titter.
Zap! Zooming zealously, zany Zippo zips to offer help. 'Pop! Plop!' exclaims Zippo.
Together, Kelana and Zippo zip to zany zoomers, zealously zapping zesty zingers.