Kelana, a brave little boy with hair as golden as the sun, set out to save the planet from pollution and waste! With a skip and a hop, he raced to the recycling bin, determined to begin.
He heard a clatter, a clink, and a clunk. Bang! Crash! Splat! It was the sound of trash being dumped. Kelana's face became a frown as he scooped up the litter from the ground.
With a swoosh and a sweep, he cleaned up the streets. Whistle! Snap! Clap! He called out for friends to join in the beat. Together they sang, danced and played, making the world a brighter shade.
As the day turned to night, they gathered 'round the firelight. They shared stories, dreams, and plans, to keep the earth safe in their little hands.
With hearts full of hope, they knew they could cope. For Kelana and his pals, the Earth would never fail. They pledged to care, love, and share, keeping the planet green and fair.