Once upon a time, there was a cat named Kena. Kena was a very scared cat, especially when it came to children. She would always run away and hide whenever she saw them. But one day, something exciting was happening - Halloween!
Kena loved watching all the kids getting ready for Halloween. She saw princesses, superheroes, and even ghosts! However, Kena had an idea. If she dressed up as a ghost, maybe the children wouldn't recognize her and she wouldn't feel scared anymore.
On Halloween night, Kena put on her ghost costume and ventured out into the neighborhood. She was nervous, but excited at the same time. As she walked down the street, she saw groups of children going from house to house, saying 'Trick or Treat!'
To her surprise, the children loved her ghost costume and thought she was just another trick-or-treater. They giggled and petted her gently, making Kena feel warm and fuzzy inside. It turned out that children were not so scary after all!
From that day on, Kena realized that dressing up as a ghost on Halloween was not only fun but it also helped her overcome her fear of children. Now, Kena looks forward to Halloween every year, eager to show off her ghostly costume and make new friends.
Reflection Questions