Once upon a time, in a small village nestled among the green mountains, lived a brave little boy named Khael. Khael loved playing outside and exploring the wonders of nature. But sometimes, he felt scared of the dark and the unknown. One evening, when the sun was about to set, Khael's Abu (grandfather) came to visit. Khael's Abu was wise and kind, and he always knew how to make Khael feel safe and secure.
Khael's Abu noticed that Khael had been feeling scared lately. He sat down with Khael and said, 'My dear Khael, I understand that you sometimes feel scared, but you don't have to face your fears alone. We all feel scared at times, but there are ways to overcome those fears.' Khael's mamita (mom) joined them and said, 'Remember, Khael, talking about your fears can help us find solutions and make the scary things seem less scary.'
From that day on, Khael and his Abu and mamita had a special bedtime routine. Before going to sleep, they would sit together and talk about their day. Khael would tell them about the things that scared him, like the monsters hiding under his bed or the shadows outside his window. Abu and mamita would listen attentively and then share stories and ideas to help Khael feel brave and empowered.
Every night, Khael would imagine himself as a brave explorer, facing his fears head-on. With Abu's wisdom and mamita's love, Khael discovered that he had the power within him to overcome his fears and live a life filled with positive experiences. Soon, Khael started feeling more confident, and his fears slowly faded away. He even made friends with the shadows and found joy in the wonders of the night.
Khael's courage and positive communication not only helped him but also inspired his friends and family to face their fears together. And so, the village became a place where everyone felt safe, supported, and understood.
Reflection Questions