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Killian and the Wizard Lizard

Killian practiced magic tricks all day long.

little boy magician with a colorful magician hat wearing a magician hat, performing magic tricks

He wanted to summon a magical dragon.

little boy magician with a colorful magician hat with a wand, drawing a dragon in the air

But instead, he summoned a wizard lizard.

little boy magician with a colorful magician hat surprised, looking at a cute lizard wearing a cape

The lizard's name was Wizzy, and he had superpowers.

Cute lizard wearing a sparkly cape the lizard with magical sparks around him

Killian and Wizzy became best friends instantly.

little boy magician with a colorful magician hat and Cute lizard wearing a sparkly cape high-fiving and smiling

They went on magical adventures together.

little boy magician with a colorful magician hat and Cute lizard wearing a sparkly cape flying on a magic carpet

Wizzy helped Killian with his magic tricks.

Cute lizard wearing a sparkly cape using magic to make objects disappear

They laughed and had fun all day long.

little boy magician with a colorful magician hat and Cute lizard wearing a sparkly cape playing with magical toys

When Killian was sad, Wizzy cheered him up.

Cute lizard wearing a sparkly cape hugging little boy magician with a colorful magician hat, both smiling

Killian and Wizzy were friends forever.

little boy magician with a colorful magician hat and Cute lizard wearing a sparkly cape holding hands and looking happy

Reflection Questions

  • What did Killian want to summon?
  • What was the lizard's name?
  • What did Wizzy do to cheer Killian up?

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