In the bustling city of Mereville, Krrish, the superhero with extraordinary powers, sets out on a new adventure. With his bright red cape flowing behind him, Krrish leaps from one building to another, ready to save the day!
One day, a strange noise echoes through the town. Krrish's super hearing catches it immediately. 'There's trouble afoot!' he exclaims. Following the sound, he discovers a mischievous gang of robotic monkeys causing chaos in the park.
As Krrish approaches the monkeys, they scatter in all directions. But this doesn't discourage our hero. He sits down calmly in the middle of the park, listening carefully to the monkeys' chattering.
To Krrish's amazement, he realizes that the monkeys are communicating secret messages! He deciphers their language and understands that their boss, the wicked Dr. Mischief, plans to use a mind-control device on the entire city.
Armed with this information, Krrish races against time to stop Dr. Mischief. But instead of rushing into battle, he remembers the power of listening. He approaches the monkeys once again, this time speaking kindly, 'Tell me more about Dr. Mischief's evil plan.'
'Dr. Mischief is hiding in his secret lab at the old factory,' the monkeys reveal. With their help, Krrish discovers the lab, defeats Dr. Mischief, and saves the city from his mind-control device.
Reflection Questions