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La nuova alba del Gallo
Rooster's New Dawn
In un prato verde viveva un gallo di nome Rusty. Era rosso vivo con una coda magnifica. In a green meadow, there lived a rooster named Rusty. He was bright red with a magnificent tail.
gallo rosso in mezzo ad Red rooster with a blue tail in the middle of a meadowun prato
Rusty si sentiva solo. Non aveva amici a cui cantare quando il sole sorgeva ogni mattina. Rusty felt lonely. He had no friends to crow to when the sun rose each morning.
Bright red rooster with a magnificent tail, always looks curious's loneliness, calling out with no response.
Un giorno Rusty sentì un corvo lontano. Seguì il suono oltre le colline fino a una vivace fattoria. One day, Rusty heard a distant crow. He followed the sound over hills to a bustling farm.
gallo arriva ad una vivace fattoria oltre la collina
La fattoria era piena di animali: mucche, pecore e maiali. Ma non hanno notato Rusty. The farm was full of animals: cows, sheep, and pigs. But they did not notice Rusty.
Bright red rooster with a magnificent tail, always looks curious arrives at the farm, observes other animals.
Rusty voleva integrarsi. Aiutò svegliando il contadino ogni mattina con il suo forte corvo. Rusty wanted to fit in. He helped by waking the farmer every morning with his loud crow.
Bright red rooster with a magnificent tail, always looks curious trying to be helpful by crowing in the morning.
Gli animali erano perplessi dal nuovo suono. Ogni mattina guardavano Rusty lavorare sodo. The animals were puzzled by the new sound. They watched Rusty work hard each morning.
Other animals curious about Bright red rooster with a magnificent tail, always looks curious's crowing.
Ben presto le mucche ringraziarono Rusty per la sveglia. "Abbiamo più tempo per pascolare!" loro hanno detto. Soon, the cows thanked Rusty for the wake-up call. 'We have more time to graze!' they said.
mucche vicino ad un gallo
Le pecore trovarono confortante la voce di Rusty. Ricordava loro che era tempo di pascoli freschi. The sheep found Rusty's voice comforting. It reminded them it was time for fresh pasture.
Sheep enjoying Bright red rooster with a magnificent tail, always looks curious's consistency.
Perfino i maiali, che amavano dormire fino a tardi, ridacchiavano: "Rusty, sei meglio della nostra vecchia sveglia!" Even the pigs, who loved to sleep in, chuckled, 'Rusty, you’re better than our old alarm!'
Pigs humorously acknowledging Bright red rooster with a magnificent tail, always looks curious's presence.
Rusty si sentiva felice. Si era creato un posto nella fattoria e aveva nuovi amici. Rusty felt happy. He had made a place for himself on the farm and had new friends.
Bright red rooster with a magnificent tail, always looks curious finally feels accepted and content.
Ogni mattina la fattoria veniva svegliata dal canto di Rusty e ogni mattina ci si sentiva come a casa. Every morning, the farm awoke to Rusty's crow, and every morning, it felt like home.
The farm collectively embraces Bright red rooster with a magnificent tail, always looks curious's morning ritual.
Rusty non si sentiva più solo un gallo. Adesso era una parte importante della famiglia contadina. Rusty no longer felt like just a rooster. Now, he was an important part of the farm family.
Bright red rooster with a magnificent tail, always looks curious reflects on his new role and sense of belonging.

Domande di riflessione

  • Come pensi che si sia sentito Rusty quando gli altri animali lo hanno ignorato per la prima volta?
  • Quali sono alcuni modi in cui Rusty ha dimostrato di voler far parte della fattoria?
  • Riesci a pensare a un momento in cui hai aiutato qualcuno e hai stretto nuove amicizie?

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