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Ladybug and Her Dots
Coccinelle et ses points
Ladybug had lots of dots on her back. Ladybug avait plein de points sur le dos.
But she didn't like her dots at all. Mais elle n'aimait pas du tout ses points.
She wanted to be like her friends, the butterflies. Elle voulait être comme ses amis, les papillons.
So, she came up with a plan. Alors, elle a élaboré un plan.
Ladybug asked her friend, Firefly, for help. Ladybug a demandé de l'aide à son amie Firefly.
Firefly told Ladybug to be proud of her dots. Firefly a dit à Ladybug d'être fière de ses points.
But Ladybug still didn't like them. Mais Ladybug ne les aimait toujours pas.
Firefly suggested a game of dot hopping. Firefly a suggéré un jeu de sauts de points.
Ladybug had so much fun hopping on her dots. Ladybug s'est tellement amusée à sauter sur ses points.
She realized her dots made her special. Elle a réalisé que ses points la rendaient spéciale.
Reflection Questions
Why didn't Ladybug like her dots?
Who did Ladybug ask for help?
What did Ladybug realize in the end?
Have any feedback or suggestions? We're always looking for
ways to improve!