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Leo the Lion and His New Friends

Leo the lion lived in a big, green jungle.

Friendly lion with a golden mane and kind eyes the lion standing in a lush green jungle

One day, Leo met a monkey named Milo.

Friendly lion with a golden mane and kind eyes the lion and Cheeky monkey with a mischievous grin and long tail the monkey playing together

Leo and Milo played tag and climbed trees.

Friendly lion with a golden mane and kind eyes the lion and Cheeky monkey with a mischievous grin and long tail the monkey playing tag

Soon, Leo made friends with an elephant named Ellie.

Friendly lion with a golden mane and kind eyes the lion and Gentle elephant with a long trunk and big ears the elephant holding trunks

Leo, Milo, and Ellie played hide-and-seek.

Friendly lion with a golden mane and kind eyes the lion, Cheeky monkey with a mischievous grin and long tail the monkey, and Gentle elephant with a long trunk and big ears the elephant playing hide-and-seek

Together, they had fun and laughed all day long.

Friendly lion with a golden mane and kind eyes the lion, Cheeky monkey with a mischievous grin and long tail the monkey, and Gentle elephant with a long trunk and big ears the elephant laughing together

Leo realized that true friends make life even better.

Friendly lion with a golden mane and kind eyes the lion smiling with Cheeky monkey with a mischievous grin and long tail and Gentle elephant with a long trunk and big ears

From that day on, Leo and his friends were inseparable.

Friendly lion with a golden mane and kind eyes the lion, Cheeky monkey with a mischievous grin and long tail the monkey, and Gentle elephant with a long trunk and big ears the elephant walking side by side

Reflection Questions

  • How did Leo meet Milo?
  • What did Leo, Milo, and Ellie play together?
  • What did Leo realize about true friends?

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