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Lia and the Stars

Lia loved looking at the sky every night.

Curious little girl with pigtails, wearing glasses on her balcony, looking up at the sky

She wondered about the twinkling stars.

Curious little girl with pigtails, wearing glasses pointing up at the stars with a curious expression

So, she decided to meet the famous astronaut, Neil Armstrong.

Curious little girl with pigtails, wearing glasses knocking on Famous astronaut with a white spacesuit and a helmet's door

Neil Armstrong was happy to explain everything about stars to Lia.

Famous astronaut with a white spacesuit and a helmet gesturing and talking to Curious little girl with pigtails, wearing glasses about stars

He told her how stars are huge balls of gas that shine in the sky.

Famous astronaut with a white spacesuit and a helmet showing Curious little girl with pigtails, wearing glasses a picture of a star

Lia asked Neil Armstrong if she could be an astronaut too.

Curious little girl with pigtails, wearing glasses looking up at Famous astronaut with a white spacesuit and a helmet with hope and excitement

Neil Armstrong smiled and said, 'Of course you can, Lia! Follow your dreams.'

Famous astronaut with a white spacesuit and a helmet and Curious little girl with pigtails, wearing glasses holding hands, smiling and looking up at the sky

From that day on, Lia studied hard and dreamed of exploring the stars one day.

Curious little girl with pigtails, wearing glasses sitting at her desk, reading books about stars

Reflection Questions

  • Why did Lia love looking at the sky?
  • What did Neil Armstrong explain to Lia about stars?
  • What did Lia dream of doing after meeting Neil Armstrong?

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