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Lily's Amazing Adventure

Lily lived in a small house near the forest.

A little girl with curly brown hair and a green dress sitting in front of her small house

One day, Lily discovered she could talk to animals!

A little girl with curly brown hair and a green dress talking to a A small brown squirrel with a fluffy tail and a A colorful butterfly with wings that shimmered in sunlight

She spoke to birds, rabbits, and even a wise old owl.

A little girl with curly brown hair and a green dress surrounded by various animals

Lily wanted to help her animal friends in the forest.

A little girl with curly brown hair and a green dress with a determined look on her face

But the animals faced a big problem.

A group of animals looking worried

Their water source had dried up!

A small pond with no water in it

Lily knew she had to find a solution.

A little girl with curly brown hair and a green dress thinking with a finger on her chin

She searched all around and found a hidden spring.

A little girl with curly brown hair and a green dress discovering a sparkling spring

With her determination, Lily brought the water back.

A little girl with curly brown hair and a green dress pouring water into the dried-up pond

The animals rejoiced, and Lily became their hero.

Animals celebrating with A little girl with curly brown hair and a green dress in the forest

Reflection Questions

  • Why did Lily become the animals' hero?
  • What problem did the animals face?
  • What did Lily find to solve the problem?

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