Once upon a time, in a colorful town called Sunnyville, lived a little girl named Lily. Lily always took care of what she ate and knew the importance of having a balanced diet. She loved fruits, vegetables, grains, protein, and dairy products that made her strong and healthy.
One day, after having her breakfast of cereal with milk and fruits, Lily gathered all her toys and sat down with them to tell them about the importance of eating well. She gathered her teddy bear, Mr. Cuddles, her doll, Rosie, and her toy dinosaur, Roary.
Lily explained that fruits like apples, berries, and bananas gave her energy and helped her grow strong. Vegetables like carrots and broccoli made her eyes sparkle and her skin glow. Grains like bread and rice gave her the power to run and play. Protein like chicken and beans made her muscles strong. And dairy products like milk and cheese made her bones grow tall and sturdy.
Mr. Cuddles, Rosie, and Roary listened intently, nodding their heads and agreeing with Lily that eating a balanced diet was important for their health too. They promised Lily that they would eat healthy food like her from now on.
From that day forward, Lily's toys joined her at mealtime. They sat at the table together, feasting on nutritious meals, and having lots of fun. They loved being healthy and strong just like Lily.
Reflection Questions