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Lily and the Great Plastic Monster
Once upon a time in a beautiful green forest, there lived a little girl named Lily. Lily was smart, kind, and brave, but sometimes she lacked confidence in herself. One day, while exploring the forest, Lily stumbled upon a mysterious creature made entirely of plastic. It had bright green eyes, a shiny pink body, and long tentacles made of colorful straws. 從前,在一片美麗的綠色森林裡,住著一個小女孩,名叫莉莉。莉莉聰明、善良、勇敢,但有時她對自己缺乏信心。有一天,莉莉在探索森林時偶然發現了一種完全由塑料製成的神秘生物。它有明亮的綠色眼睛,閃亮的粉紅色身體,還有由彩色稻草製成的長觸手。
Smart, kind, brave, with long brown hair and a yellow dress. finds a plastic monster with green eyes and colorful straws.
Lily named the creature 'Plasty' and quickly realized that it was sad. Plasty told Lily about how it was tired of being made of plastic and wanted to be something useful instead. Lily, determined to help her new friend, suggested they work together to find a solution. They spent hours brainstorming ideas and finally came up with a plan! 莉莉將這種生物命名為“Plasty”,並很快意識到它很悲傷。 Plasty 告訴 Lily,它已經厭倦了用塑料製成,想成為有用的東西。莉莉決心幫助她的新朋友,建議他們共同努力尋找解決方案。他們花了幾個小時集思廣益,最終想出了一個計劃!
Smart, kind, brave, with long brown hair and a yellow dress. and Bright green eyes, shiny pink body, colorful straw tentacles. become friends and want to find a solution.
The next day, Lily and Plasty visited the nearby recycling center. They learned about how plastic can be recycled and transformed into new things. They gathered all the plastic waste they could find in the forest and brought it to the recycling center. They were excited to see their efforts being turned into something useful. 第二天,莉莉和普拉斯蒂參觀了附近的回收中心。他們了解瞭如何回收塑料並將其轉化為新事物。他們收集了在森林裡能找到的所有塑料垃圾,並將其帶到回收中心。他們很高興看到自己的努力變成了有用的東西。
Smart, kind, brave, with long brown hair and a yellow dress. and Bright green eyes, shiny pink body, colorful straw tentacles. visit a recycling center to recycle plastic waste.
Word spread about Lily and Plasty's recycling initiative, and soon the whole forest joined in. Animals and plants gathered plastic waste and brought it to Lily and Plasty. Together, they created beautiful sculptures and useful objects out of recycled plastic. Lily felt proud of what they had accomplished and saw how confident she had become. Lily 和 Plasty 的回收倡議的消息傳開,很快整個森林都加入了進來。動物和植物收集塑料廢物並將其帶到 Lily 和 Plasty。他們一起用回收塑料創造了美麗的雕塑和有用的物品。莉莉為他們所取得的成就感到自豪,並看到自己變得多麼自信。
The forest helps Smart, kind, brave, with long brown hair and a yellow dress. and Bright green eyes, shiny pink body, colorful straw tentacles. create sculptures from plastic.
As the forest transformed into a cleaner and more vibrant place, Lily realized the impact of her actions. She saw how her confidence had grown by believing in herself and her ability to make a difference. And most importantly, through the friendship with Plasty, Lily learned that confidence comes from finding solutions and helping others. 隨著森林變得更加干淨、更加充滿活力,莉莉意識到她的行為所產生的影響。她看到自己的信心是如何通過相信自己和自己改變現狀的能力而增強的。最重要的是,通過與 Plasty 的友誼,莉莉了解到信心來自於尋找解決方案和幫助他人。
Smart, kind, brave, with long brown hair and a yellow dress. understands the impact of her actions and the importance of confidence.

Reflection Questions

  • How did Lily feel about herself at the beginning of the story?
  • What did Lily and Plasty do together to find a solution?
  • What did Lily learn about confidence from her friendship with Plasty?

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