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Listen to Mum and Dad
Once upon a time, in a small town called Woodville, lived a curious 14-year-old girl named Emily. She loved exploring and discovering new things. But sometimes, she forgot to listen to her mum and dad. 从前,在一个名叫伍德维尔的小镇上,住着一个好奇的 14 岁女孩,名叫艾米丽。她喜欢探索和发现新事物。但有时,她忘记听爸爸妈妈的话。
Emily walking in a park with a curious look
One day, Emily's parents warned her not to play near the old abandoned well in the backyard. But Emily, being curious as always, decided to ignore their advice. 有一天,艾米丽的父母警告她不要在后院的一口废弃的旧井附近玩耍。但艾米丽一如既往地好奇,决定忽略他们的建议。
Emily peeking into the old abandoned well
As Emily approached the well, she heard a mysterious voice calling her name. She leaned in closer to listen, and suddenly, she lost her footing and fell into the well. 当艾米丽接近井时,她听到一个神秘的声音在呼唤她的名字。她凑近了听,突然脚下一软,掉进了井里。
Emily falling into the well with a surprised expression
Inside the well, Emily cried for help. But her parents, who had been watching from inside the house, heard her cries and rushed to the backyard. They quickly called the fire department for assistance. 艾米丽在井里大声呼救。但一直在屋内观看的父母听到了她的哭声,赶紧跑到后院。他们迅速致电消防部门寻求帮助。
Emily's parents calling for help on their phone
The fire department arrived promptly and rescued Emily from the well. She had learned her lesson the hard way. Her parents hugged her tightly, relieved that she was safe. 消防队迅速赶到,将艾米丽从井里救了出来。她已经从惨痛的教训中吸取了教训。父母紧紧地拥抱着她,得知她安全了,才松了口气。
Emily being lifted out of the well by firefighters
From that day on, Emily listened carefully to her mum and dad's advice. She realized that they only wanted to keep her safe and protect her from harm. 从那天起,艾米丽就认真听取了爸爸妈妈的建议。她意识到他们只是想保证她的安全并保护她免受伤害。
Emily and her parents sitting together, smiling
Emily became a great listener, both at home and at school. She noticed that when she listened, she learned new things and built stronger relationships with her friends and teachers. 艾米丽在家里和学校都成为了一位出色的倾听者。她注意到,当她倾听时,她学到了新东西,并与朋友和老师建立了更牢固的关系。
Emily sitting attentively in a classroom
Whenever her parents advised her, Emily followed their guidance and made better decisions. She understood the importance of good listening and how it could positively impact her life. 每当父母给她建议时,艾米丽都会听从他们的指导并做出更好的决定。她了解良好倾听的重要性以及它如何对她的生活产生积极影响。
Emily following her parents' advice and making good choices
As Emily grew older, she became a successful and responsible adult. She always remembered to listen to her mum and dad, appreciating the wisdom and love they had shared with her. 随着艾米丽年龄的增长,她成为了一个成功且负责任的成年人。她总是记得听妈妈和爸爸的话,感激他们与她分享的智慧和爱。
Emily as an adult, happily talking with her parents
The end. 结束。
A book with 'The End' written on the last page

Reflection Questions

  • Why did Emily ignore her parents' advice?
  • What happened when Emily fell into the well?
  • What did Emily learn from her experience?

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