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Listening and Learning ABC

A is for apple, a shiny red fruit.

Red Red and shiny with a green leaf. on a green tree branch

B is for ball, round and bouncy.

Blue Blue and bouncy, perfect for playing. bouncing in the park

C is for cat, soft and cuddly.

Gray Soft gray fur with a playful expression. playing with a yarn Blue and bouncy, perfect for playing.

D is for dog, wagging its tail.

Brown Brown with a wagging tail and floppy ears. chasing a stick

E is for elephant, big and strong.

Gray Big and gray with a long trunk. spraying water from its trunk

F is for fish, swimming in the sea.

Colorful Colorful scales and fins, swimming gracefully. swimming among coral reefs

G is for God who loves us all.

Bright light shining from the sky

H is for hand, holding ours tight.

Two Two hands holding each other tightly.s clasping each other

I is for inkpot, where colors flow.

Colorful ink bottles and paintbrushes

J is for jug, pouring lemonade.

Yellow Yellow with a pouring spout and handle. pouring refreshing lemonade

K is for kite, flying so high.

Colorful Colorful with a long tail and soaring high. soaring in the sky

L is for lion, king of the jungle.

Golden Golden with a majestic mane and powerful body. resting on a rock

M is for mango, juicy and sweet.

Orange Orange and juicy with a sweet aroma. hanging from a tree

N is for nest, cozy and warm.

Bird's Cozy and made of twigs, cushioned with feathers. with eggs hidden in a tree

O is for owl, wise and nocturnal.

Brown Brown feathers and wise-looking eyes. perched on a branch

P is for parrot, colorful and talkative.

Colorful Brightly colored feathers and a chatty personality. repeating words

Q is for queen, kind and royal.

Queen with a golden crown and flowing gown

R is for rat, small and quick.

Gray Gray and small with curious eyes. peeking out from a hole

S is for ship, sailing across the ocean.

White White with large sails and sailor's flags. with billowing sails

T is for train, chugging down the track.

Red Red with a chugging engine and long cars. steaming through the countryside

U is for umbrella, keeping us dry.

Colorful Colorful canopy with a sturdy handle. in the rain

V is for violin, making beautiful music.

Brown Brown wood with strings and a bow. with a bow

W is for watch, ticking away the time.

Silver Silver with numbers and ticking hands. with a leather strap

X is for X-Mas, a joyful celebration.

Colorful Christmas tree with presents

Y is for yak, covered in fur.

Black Black with long shaggy fur and sturdy hooves. with long shaggy hair

Z is for zebra, black and white stripes.

Zebra running in a grassy savannah

Reflection Questions

  • What color is the apple?
  • Who loves us all?
  • What does the parrot like to do?

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