In a small village, a scientist named Victor worked on a big secret.
He wanted to make life! He mixed, poured, and built day and night.
One stormy evening, with a loud 'Zap!' something amazing happened.
From old toys and gadgets, a friendly robot named Little Frank woke up.
Victor was happy but also worried. What if people got scared of Frank?
Frank wanted to play and learn, just like other kids in the village.
He went outside. Some kids were scared, but one girl smiled at Frank.
Her name was Emily. She wasn't afraid. She taught Frank to play tag.
They all watched. Frank was kind, and soon the scared kids joined in.
Victor saw them play. He knew he must teach Frank about right and wrong.
Together, they learned much. Frank helped people and the village thrived.
Victor understood technology could be good if used with a caring heart.
Reflection Questions