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Little Green Riding Hood and the Lion

Little Green Riding Hood walked through the forest.

Girl wearing a green cape with a basket in a green cape

She was on her way to visit her sick grandmother.

Girl wearing a green cape with a basket with a basket

Suddenly, a lion appeared in her path.

A fierce lion with golden fur

The lion growled, hungry for a meal.

The lion showing sharp teeth

But Little Green Riding Hood was not afraid.

Girl wearing a green cape with a basket standing confidently

She asked the lion why he was being mean.

Girl wearing a green cape with a basket talking to the lion

The lion replied, 'I am hungry and need to eat.'

The lion speaking to Girl wearing a green cape with a basket

Little Green Riding Hood felt sorry for the lion.

Girl wearing a green cape with a basket looking sympathetic

She shared her food with him.

Girl wearing a green cape with a basket offering food to the lion

The lion thanked her and promised to be kind.

The lion looking grateful and friendly

Reflection Questions

  • Why was the lion mean to Little Green Riding Hood?
  • What did Little Green Riding Hood give to the lion?
  • How did the lion feel after Little Green Riding Hood shared her food?

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