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Little Mountain and the Sky

Little Mountain wanted to touch the sky.

A small mountain covered in green grass looking up at the sky

Every day, Little Mountain reached a little higher.

A small mountain covered in green grass stretching towards the sky

The birds and clouds cheered Little Mountain on.

Birds and clouds cheering A small mountain covered in green grass

But the sky was still far away.

A small mountain covered in green grass looking disappointed

One day, Little Mountain met Wise Owl.

A small mountain covered in green grass and A wise owl with big round eyes meeting

Wise Owl said, 'I can help you touch the sky.'

A wise owl with big round eyes giving advice to A small mountain covered in green grass

Wise Owl told Little Mountain to keep believing.

A small mountain covered in green grass with a determined expression

Little Mountain never gave up.

A small mountain covered in green grass climbing higher and higher

Finally, Little Mountain's hand touched a cloud.

A small mountain covered in green grass touching a fluffy cloud

Little Mountain smiled and thanked Wise Owl.

A small mountain covered in green grass and A wise owl with big round eyes happy together

Reflection Questions

  • Why did Little Mountain want to touch the sky?
  • Who helped Little Mountain?
  • What did Little Mountain touch?

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