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Little Red's New Journey

Little Red's New Journey

Introduction, Girl with red cloak, cheerful eyes, brown hair and her Mom at home
Once upon a time, in a cozy little cottage by the forest, lived Little Red Riding Hood with her mother.
Mom hands Girl with red cloak, cheerful eyes, brown hair a basket for Elderly lady, glasses, kind smile, grey hair
One sunny morning, her mother said, 'Please take these fresh muffins to Grandma. She's feeling unwell.'
Girl with red cloak, cheerful eyes, brown hair prepares to visit Elderly lady, glasses, kind smile, grey hair
Little Red loved visiting Grandma. She put on her red cloak and promised, 'I'll go straight there!'
Beginning journey into the woods
With the basket in hand, she walked into the whispering woods, where tall trees made friendly shapes.
Butterfly accompanies Girl with red cloak, cheerful eyes, brown hair
A fluttering butterfly joined her, looping around as if leading the way on the forest path.
Encounter with the wolf
Deep in the woods, she met a sly wolf. 'Where are you going, Little Red?' he cunningly asked.
Girl with red cloak, cheerful eyes, brown hair reveals her destination
Little Red smiled, 'To Grandma's house, in the glade beyond the pines!' And she skipped away quickly.
The wolf's trick, Elderly lady, glasses, kind smile, grey hair hidden
The wolf took a shortcut, arriving at Grandma's before Little Red, and hid Grandma in the closet.
Sly wolf, dark fur, sharp eyes, pointy ears in disguise in Elderly lady, glasses, kind smile, grey hair's bed
Dressed in Grandma's cap, he waited in her bed. Soon, Little Red knocked on the door.
Girl with red cloak, cheerful eyes, brown hair questions 'Elderly lady, glasses, kind smile, grey hair'
Surprised by Grandma's deep voice, Little Red asked, 'Grandma, why is your voice so gruff?'
Sly wolf, dark fur, sharp eyes, pointy ears lures Girl with red cloak, cheerful eyes, brown hair closer
The wolf tried to soften his voice. 'Just a cold, my dear. Come closer and give me the muffins.'
Girl with red cloak, cheerful eyes, brown hair recognizes the wolf
The moment Little Red came near, she realized it was not Grandma but the wolf!
Girl with red cloak, cheerful eyes, brown hair outsmarts the wolf
With quick thinking, Little Red tricked the wolf into chasing his tail and rescued Grandma.

Reflection Questions

  • How do you think Little Red felt when she realized the wolf wanted to trick her?
  • Why is it important to be cautious and not share your plans with strangers?
  • What can being brave and thinking quickly help you in dangerous situations?

Once upon a time, in a cozy little cottage by the forest, lived Little Red Riding Hood with her mother.

Introduction, Girl with red cloak, cheerful eyes, brown hair and her Mom at home

One sunny morning, her mother said, 'Please take these fresh muffins to Grandma. She's feeling unwell.'

Mom hands Girl with red cloak, cheerful eyes, brown hair a basket for Elderly lady, glasses, kind smile, grey hair

Little Red loved visiting Grandma. She put on her red cloak and promised, 'I'll go straight there!'

Girl with red cloak, cheerful eyes, brown hair prepares to visit Elderly lady, glasses, kind smile, grey hair

With the basket in hand, she walked into the whispering woods, where tall trees made friendly shapes.

Beginning journey into the woods

A fluttering butterfly joined her, looping around as if leading the way on the forest path.

Butterfly accompanies Girl with red cloak, cheerful eyes, brown hair

Deep in the woods, she met a sly wolf. 'Where are you going, Little Red?' he cunningly asked.

Encounter with the wolf

Little Red smiled, 'To Grandma's house, in the glade beyond the pines!' And she skipped away quickly.

Girl with red cloak, cheerful eyes, brown hair reveals her destination

The wolf took a shortcut, arriving at Grandma's before Little Red, and hid Grandma in the closet.

The wolf's trick, Elderly lady, glasses, kind smile, grey hair hidden

Dressed in Grandma's cap, he waited in her bed. Soon, Little Red knocked on the door.

Sly wolf, dark fur, sharp eyes, pointy ears in disguise in Elderly lady, glasses, kind smile, grey hair's bed

Surprised by Grandma's deep voice, Little Red asked, 'Grandma, why is your voice so gruff?'

Girl with red cloak, cheerful eyes, brown hair questions 'Elderly lady, glasses, kind smile, grey hair'

The wolf tried to soften his voice. 'Just a cold, my dear. Come closer and give me the muffins.'

Sly wolf, dark fur, sharp eyes, pointy ears lures Girl with red cloak, cheerful eyes, brown hair closer

The moment Little Red came near, she realized it was not Grandma but the wolf!

Girl with red cloak, cheerful eyes, brown hair recognizes the wolf

With quick thinking, Little Red tricked the wolf into chasing his tail and rescued Grandma.

Girl with red cloak, cheerful eyes, brown hair outsmarts the wolf

Reflection Questions

  • How do you think Little Red felt when she realized the wolf wanted to trick her?
  • Why is it important to be cautious and not share your plans with strangers?
  • What can being brave and thinking quickly help you in dangerous situations?