Once upon a time, there lived a girl named Little Red Riding Hood.
Little Red Riding Hood happily walked along the winding path through the tall trees.
But lurking in the shadows was a sly wolf, who had a devious plan.
The wolf tricked Little Red Riding Hood and quickly ran to her grandmother's house.
When the wolf arrived, he gobbled up poor Grandma and dressed in her clothes.
Little Red Riding Hood reached the house and was surprised to find the wolf in her grandmother's bed.
But Little Red Riding Hood was smart and quickly thought of a plan.
She pretended to be clueless and said, 'Grandma, what big teeth you have!'
The wolf replied, 'All the better to eat you with, my dear.'
Suddenly, Little Red Riding Hood's brave friend, the woodcutter, burst through the door.
He quickly rescued Little Red Riding Hood and her grandmother from the wolf's clutches.
From that day forward, Little Red Riding Hood promised to always be cautious when she went through the forest.
Reflection Questions