Once upon a time, in a colorful jungle, there lived a cute little dinosaur named Little Tsai. Little Tsai loved to run and play with his friends at Dino School and the Jurassic Playground. The sun was shining, and everyone was having fun.
Little Tsai was very popular because he was the fastest runner and the best at dino-ball. But Little Tsai had a problem. When things didn't go his way, he would stomp and roar, which scared his friends.
One day, Little Tsai accidentally knocked down a dino-castle his friends had built. Instead of saying sorry, he roared loudly. His friends became sad and Little Tsai didn't understand why they walked away.
After a few more roars and stomps during other games, the parents told their little dinos to be careful around Little Tsai. His friends started playing without him and Little Tsai felt his heart hurt.
One starry night, Little Tsai told his parents about his loneliness. They cuddled him and said, 'Real friends care for each other. Let's find a better way to show your feelings.'
Little Tsai's parents taught him to count to ten when he was angry, to use words to explain his feelings, and to always say sorry when he made mistakes. Little Tsai practiced every day.
Soon, Little Tsai was back playing with his friends. When he got upset, he remembered his parents' advice. He became the kindest dino, and everyone loved to play with him again. They lived happily ever after.