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Manager Wang and Manager Ma's Big Idea Adventure

Once upon a time, in a big, shiny office, there were two managers named Wang and Ma. They were very good friends and liked to solve problems together. But one day, a very tricky problem came up that was like a giant puzzle with missing pieces.

Introduction of Wang and Ma at the office facing a problem.

Manager Ma, who was older and had gray hair, tried to solve the problem the way he always did – by remembering what worked before. But this time, all his old tricks were like keys that didn't fit the lock.

Ma attempts familiar solutions, old ways don't work.

Manager Wang, who always wore colorful ties, thought hard and said, 'When the old ways are like a broken pencil – pointless – we need to paint outside the lines and find new ways to color our world.'

Wang suggests a new approach, metaphor about coloring.

Manager Ma wasn’t sure at first. He liked his old book of secrets, but he trusted his friend. So, he agreed to throw his book up in the air like a kite and let the wind of change turn the pages.

Ma is hesitant but agrees to try new methods.

Together, they gathered all their work friends, from Sally, who loved numbers, to Leo, who drew the best pictures, and told them, 'We need to build a new kind of solving machine, one that's never been seen!'

Wang and Ma involve their team in innovative thinking.

They put their heads together, scribbled on paper, and played with toy blocks, pretending they were finding treasure in the deep blue sea or flying to space in a rocket ship to get fresh ideas.

Team brainstorming with creative play for inspiration.

And then, like a lightbulb turning on in a dark room, they found it! A shiny, new idea that fit the problem like a perfect puzzle piece. Manager Ma laughed and said, 'Sometimes, the new can be more exciting than the old.'

They discover a new solution, the team celebrates.

Manager Wang and Manager Ma high-fived, and everyone cheered. From that day on, they knew that when a problem was as tough as a dragon's scales, they just had to dream up a fairytale to tame it.

Conclusion, celebration of success, lesson learned.

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