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Mouse Deer and the Tiger Chase

In a lush bamboo forest, twinkling with morning dew, lived a clever Mouse Deer named Milo.

A verdant bamboo forest with dew sparkling on the leaves, A small, clever Mouse Deer with bright eyes and a mischievous expression, full of energy and wit the Mouse Deer standing amidst the bamboo, looking clever and curious.

Milo was nimble and small, with a twinkle in his eye and a hop in his step, he roamed with a sigh.

A small, clever Mouse Deer with bright eyes and a mischievous expression, full of energy and wit the Mouse Deer hopping joyfully in the forest, with a twinkle in his eyes, trees and bamboo all around.

One bright day, with the sun high in the sky, a roar thundered near! Who should appear? The terrible tiger, Tanu, was here!

The fierce tiger A large, fierce-looking tiger with bold stripes, sharp claws, and an intense, determined expression emerging from the dense forest with his bright stripes and sharp claws, A small, clever Mouse Deer with bright eyes and a mischievous expression, full of energy and wit caught off-guard nearby.

"Oh dear!" thought Milo, with his heart skipping beats, "I must outwit Tanu, to save my tiny feet!"

A small, clever Mouse Deer with bright eyes and a mischievous expression, full of energy and wit the Mouse Deer looking panicked and thoughtful, trying to come up with a plan as A large, fierce-looking tiger with bold stripes, sharp claws, and an intense, determined expression the Tiger prepares to give chase.

Quick as a flash, Milo dashed through the green, with bamboo leaves rustling, causing quite the scene!

A small, clever Mouse Deer with bright eyes and a mischievous expression, full of energy and wit the Mouse Deer dashing through the forest, bamboo leaves rustling as they brush past him, with A large, fierce-looking tiger with bold stripes, sharp claws, and an intense, determined expression chasing close behind.

But clever Milo had a plan up his sleeve, he'll trick Tanu somehow, just you believe!

A small, clever Mouse Deer with bright eyes and a mischievous expression, full of energy and wit the Mouse Deer with a determined and clever look, planning his next move, while A large, fierce-looking tiger with bold stripes, sharp claws, and an intense, determined expression the Tiger chases in the background.

Milo found a log, half-hollow and neat, he wriggled right through it, swift and discreet.

A small, clever Mouse Deer with bright eyes and a mischievous expression, full of energy and wit the Mouse Deer squeezing through a hollow log, with A large, fierce-looking tiger with bold stripes, sharp claws, and an intense, determined expression the Tiger trying to catch up but larger and clumsier.

Tanu was puzzled by the trickery and trail, he searched and he searched, but to no avail.

A large, fierce-looking tiger with bold stripes, sharp claws, and an intense, determined expression the Tiger looking confused and frustrated, searching around the hollow log and dense bamboo but not finding A small, clever Mouse Deer with bright eyes and a mischievous expression, full of energy and wit.

Milo giggled quietly with a chuckle so light, and skipped through the bamboo, not a fear in sight.

A small, clever Mouse Deer with bright eyes and a mischievous expression, full of energy and wit the Mouse Deer peeking out from a hiding spot in the bamboo, giggling softly, while A large, fierce-looking tiger with bold stripes, sharp claws, and an intense, determined expression continues to search in confusion.

Back to the dense forest, Milo raced with ease, while Tanu roared loudly, "This chase I must cease!"

A small, clever Mouse Deer with bright eyes and a mischievous expression, full of energy and wit the Mouse Deer dashing deeply into the forest with confidence, A large, fierce-looking tiger with bold stripes, sharp claws, and an intense, determined expression standing behind roaring in frustration.

"I'll get you, Milo!" Tanu roared with a glare, but Milo just laughed, jumping unaware.

A large, fierce-looking tiger with bold stripes, sharp claws, and an intense, determined expression the Tiger shaking his paw in anger and roaring, while A small, clever Mouse Deer with bright eyes and a mischievous expression, full of energy and wit hops joyfully, carefree among the bamboo.

Through fun and fancy, with quick feet, Milo won the chase, oh what a treat!

A small, clever Mouse Deer with bright eyes and a mischievous expression, full of energy and wit the Mouse Deer celebrating his victory by dancing among the bamboo, A large, fierce-looking tiger with bold stripes, sharp claws, and an intense, determined expression nowhere to be seen, defeated and gone.

Reflection Questions

  • How did Milo's cleverness help him escape from Tanu?
  • Why do you think Tanu was so determined to catch Milo?
  • What would you have done if you were Milo in the forest?

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