Emma stared out of her bedroom window. Her room was filled with boxes.
She felt a mix of excitement and sadness. She was going to miss her friends.
Her dad said, 'Sunflower City is beautiful, Emma. You'll make new friends.'
Emma nodded and thought of the new adventures she would have with her family.
The next day, the moving truck was loaded. Emma hugged her teddy tight.
She whispered to her teddy, 'We will be okay.' Her mom smiled at her.
As they drove away, Emma waved to her old house, taking a deep breath.
Sunflower City was vibrant. Emma's eyes lit up seeing the sunflowers everywhere.
Her new room was bigger! She unpacked, placing her teddy on the bed.
On her first day at school, Emma felt shy. But a girl named Lily smiled at her.
Lily said, 'Want to play?' Emma nodded. They laughed and played hopscotch.
That evening Emma told her parents about her day, her voice full of joy.
Reflection Questions