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New City, New Adventures

Emma looked around her room, her small hands clutching her teddy bear. 'Time to pack, sweetie,' her mom said gently.

Four-year-old girl, white, brown hair, green eyes in her room with teddy, mom initiating packing

She watched her books and toys being put into boxes. 'Where are they going?' she asked.

Four-year-old girl, white, brown  hair, green eyes in her room with teddy, mom initiating packing

Her dad smiled, kneeling down to her level. 'To our new home in a new city, Emma. A big adventure awaits!'

Tall, glasses, brown hair, reassuring smile explaining the moving process to Four-year-old girl, white, blonde hair, green eyes encouragingly

The next day, they drove through town, and Marina pressed her face to the car window, waving goodbye to the familiar streets.

Four-year-old girl, white, brown  hair, green eyes in her room with teddy, mom initiating packing

After hours of driving, they arrived. Her new home was bigger, with a bright red door that made her smile.

Arrival at the new house with a distinctive red door

Inside, her room was bigger too. 'Can I put my teddy here?' she asked, hopeful.

Exploring the larger new room, considering where to place her teddy

Her parents nodded, and she placed her teddy on the windowsill. 'You can see everything from here!' she told it.

Four-year-old girl, white, brown hair, green eyes in her room with teddy, mom initiating packing

The next morning, they visited the park. Children laughed and played, and Emma held her dad's hand tightly.

Four-year-old girl, white, brown hair, green eyes in her room with teddy, mom initiating packing

A girl with bright blue sneakers came over. 'Hi, I'm Lily. Want to play?' she asked. Emma smiled and nodded.

Meeting a new friend, New friend, energetic, blue sneakers, at the park

They played on the swings and slides until the sun began to set. 'Can we come back tomorrow?' Emma asked.

Four-year-old girl, white, brown hair, green eyes in her room with teddy, mom initiating packing

As they walked home, Marina told her teddy about her day. 'I think you’ll like it here too,' she said.

Four-year-old girl, white, brown hair, green eyes in her room with teddy, mom initiating packing

That night, Marina looked out her new window, the stars twinkling above. Tomorrow would be another adventure.

Four-year-old girl, white, brown hair, green eyes in her room with teddy, mom initiating packing

Reflection Questions

  • How do you think Emma felt about moving to a new city?
  • What can you do to make someone new feel welcome, like Lily did?
  • Why is it important to talk about our experiences and feelings, like Emma did with her teddy?

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