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Silly Socks with Spots

A cold winter morning The sun was very low The fog and dew on the ground The sounds of birds all around Taweet Tawoo!

A young boy asleep in bed with dawn rising through an open window a bird sitting on the windowsill

I snuggled in my nice warm bed I hid my toes and hid my head – “Yawn” “Ting!” and “Bang” went the big old clock “Wake up sleepy – time to get up!”

Young boy bouncing on the bed with a dacshund

"Let's have eggs and toast" said Dad. "It’s your birthday," said Mum, “Get up, Get up!” "Happy birthday to you!" A cake with candles shining bright.

A family and a young boy having breakfast joyfully in a kitchen with a birthday cake and balloons

At the table far and wide Boxes and presents – what’s inside? Boxes blue and brown and gold Some with ribbons and full of jellybeans

Five only Brightly coloured boxes wrapped in ribbons

Happy birthday! Cards from Cairns and Sydney and London Cards from Paris and Bombay and Brisbane

A family reading birthday cards in a kitchen with pictures famous cities

"Surprise!" said Jules and Papa David who arrived on a Harley Davidson. “Vaarrooooom!”

A Grandma and Grandpa arriving at a party on a Harley Davidson motorbike

Presents and hugs and sausages and cake The phone kept ringing It was such a busy day "Open the presents," said Papa David "Woof woof woof!"

A jolly birthday party with family a young boy hugs grandpa

I opened the presents The paper flew like paper planes The tinsel rained down Inside the shiny boxes Were socks and more socks.

A young boy opening presents paper flying like confetti a yapping dog laughter

"Oh dear, " said Jules "Oh my, " said Papa David So many, many socks They just didn't stop Socks long - socks short Socks with animal ears Socks that had eyes

lots of different coloured socks

Socks with action heroes Socks with flowers Socks with dogs and cats and dinosaurs Socks red, socks blue Socks orange and Green School socks Play socks So many socks from shiny boxes

A young boy sitting in a sea of socks

One box left What’s inside? No more socks – I want to hide But in the box A big surprise Socks with spots - spotty socks!

A young boy and a dog looking into a box in a birthday party setting

We laid out all the socks To count every one, two, three, four Socks and socks I don’t need more “Happy birthday to you!” I like them all I do like socks My best ones are The socks with spots

A young boy and family dancing around a birthday party with socks flying around

Reflection Questions

  • Why did Spotless Peter feel sad at first and how did he feel at the end of the story?
  • What can we learn from the way Spotty Sue, Dottie Lou, and Zippy included Spotless Peter in their fun?
  • How do you think Spotty Sue and Dottie Lou felt when they saw Spotless Peter feeling sad?

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