Once upon a time, in a sunny field, lived a little bird named Bella. She had just woken up and looked out of her nest to see the sun smiling at her. 'It's going to be a great day to find a yummy worm!' she chirped happily.
Bella stretched her wings and practiced a few songs. She hopped out of her cozy nest, which was nestled in a tall tree, and flapped down to the ground. The grass was wet with morning dew, and it tickled her tiny feet.
She started to search for breakfast. 'Worms like to come out when it's cool and wet,' she remembered. After a while, she saw something wiggle near a green leaf. 'Aha!' she thought, and without making a sound, she sneaked closer.
With a quick peck, Bella caught her worm! 'Yay!' she cheered. Then she spotted more worms! She realized she was the first one there. 'Being an early bird is the best!' She gathered the worms and decided to surprise her friends.
Bella flew from nest to nest, giving each of her friends a worm. They were all still sleepy, and their smiles made Bella's heart feel warm and happy. 'Thanks, Bella,' they chirped! 'You really are the best early bird!'
As the sun climbed higher in the sky, Bella and her friends played games and sang songs. They had so much fun, and Bella was glad she had woken up early. 'You never know what adventures you'll find in the morning!' she said with a giggle.
The sun began to set, and Bella flew back to her nest, tired but happy. She snuggled into her nest and thought about her day. 'Tomorrow, I'll wake up early again. Who knows what I'll find?' And with that thought, Bella fell into a peaceful sleep, dreaming of new adventures.