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The Hidden World Under the Bed

The Hidden World Under the Bed

Tim sneaks in his room; spots something strange under the bed.
Small Tim tiptoed across his room. Quiet as a whisper, he hoped not to wake Mum. But wait! Something odd was under the bed.
Tim discovers a secret knob and door under his bed.
He knelt down and found a tiny knob in the floorboards. With a twist and a pull, a door appeared under the bed!
Tim descends a ladder into the unknown.
A silver ladder gleamed below. Tim started climbing down, his heart bouncing like a drumbeat. Where could it lead?
Tim enters a magical realm with talking animals.
At the bottom, he blinked in awe. A land stretched out with grassy hills and chatty animals wandering around!
Tim meets Ruby the rabbit.
A rabbit hopped up, her nose twitching. 'Hello! I'm Ruby. What brings a boy like you here?' she asked curiously.
Ruby hints at a puzzle to solve.
Tim shared his story of the secret door. 'There's a puzzle to solve if you want to explore more,' Ruby hinted.
Ruby introduces Tim to riddle-speaking flowers.
Ruby led Tim to a garden. 'The flowers speak in riddles. Answer right, and they'll show the path,' she explained.
Tim hears a riddle from a daisy.
'I'm bright as the sun but cool to touch. What am I?' a daisy quizzed. Tim thought hard about the riddle.
Tim solves the riddle and a path is revealed.
'Could it be...' Tim paused. 'A moonflower!' The daisy giggled, and a path lined with moonflowers appeared.
Fish at a stream pose a riddle to Tim.
They followed the path to a stream where fish whispered secrets. 'What did one wall say to the other?' bubbled one fish.
Tim answers correctly, and a bridge forms.
Tim laughed softly, 'They'd meet at the corner!' The fish clapped their fins, and a golden bridge rose from the water.
An owl presents Tim with the final challenge.
Across the bridge, an owl awaited with the last challenge. 'Share your best wisdom, and the door home will open,' it cooed.
Tim imparts wisdom; a door to his room opens.
'Being kind always matters,' Tim said. A door back to his room appeared. He waved goodbye, knowing he’d return soon.

Reflection Questions

  • If you were Tim, would you have entered the secret door under your bed? Why or why not?
  • When Ruby told Tim about the puzzle, he could have either tried to solve it or ignore it. What would you do in his place and why?
  • Imagine you have to answer the riddle of the daisy. Would you have guessed the same as Tim or something different? Explain your answer.
  • How do you think Tim felt when he saw the magical world? What would you have felt seeing a place like that for the first time?
  • When the owl asked for wisdom, Tim talked about kindness. What is something wise you believe in, and why do you think it's important?

Small Tim tiptoed across his room. Quiet as a whisper, he hoped not to wake Mum. But wait! Something odd was under the bed.

Tim sneaks in his room; spots something strange under the bed.

He knelt down and found a tiny knob in the floorboards. With a twist and a pull, a door appeared under the bed!

Tim discovers a secret knob and door under his bed.

A silver ladder gleamed below. Tim started climbing down, his heart bouncing like a drumbeat. Where could it lead?

Tim descends a ladder into the unknown.

At the bottom, he blinked in awe. A land stretched out with grassy hills and chatty animals wandering around!

Tim enters a magical realm with talking animals.

A rabbit hopped up, her nose twitching. 'Hello! I'm Ruby. What brings a boy like you here?' she asked curiously.

Tim meets Ruby the rabbit.

Tim shared his story of the secret door. 'There's a puzzle to solve if you want to explore more,' Ruby hinted.

Ruby hints at a puzzle to solve.

Ruby led Tim to a garden. 'The flowers speak in riddles. Answer right, and they'll show the path,' she explained.

Ruby introduces Tim to riddle-speaking flowers.

'I'm bright as the sun but cool to touch. What am I?' a daisy quizzed. Tim thought hard about the riddle.

Tim hears a riddle from a daisy.

'Could it be...' Tim paused. 'A moonflower!' The daisy giggled, and a path lined with moonflowers appeared.

Tim solves the riddle and a path is revealed.

They followed the path to a stream where fish whispered secrets. 'What did one wall say to the other?' bubbled one fish.

Fish at a stream pose a riddle to Tim.

Tim laughed softly, 'They'd meet at the corner!' The fish clapped their fins, and a golden bridge rose from the water.

Tim answers correctly, and a bridge forms.

Across the bridge, an owl awaited with the last challenge. 'Share your best wisdom, and the door home will open,' it cooed.

An owl presents Tim with the final challenge.

'Being kind always matters,' Tim said. A door back to his room appeared. He waved goodbye, knowing he’d return soon.

Tim imparts wisdom; a door to his room opens.

Reflection Questions

  • If you were Tim, would you have entered the secret door under your bed? Why or why not?
  • When Ruby told Tim about the puzzle, he could have either tried to solve it or ignore it. What would you do in his place and why?
  • Imagine you have to answer the riddle of the daisy. Would you have guessed the same as Tim or something different? Explain your answer.
  • How do you think Tim felt when he saw the magical world? What would you have felt seeing a place like that for the first time?
  • When the owl asked for wisdom, Tim talked about kindness. What is something wise you believe in, and why do you think it's important?