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The Moonlit Forest's Hidden Treasure
In a forest bathed in moonlight, Lily and Max found a map. 在沐浴着月光的森林里,莉莉和麦克斯找到了一张地图。
Beginning of the adventure, introduction to the forest setting.
The map pointed to a spot marked with an X for treasure. 地图指向一个标有“X”的地方,代表着宝藏。
Young girl, long brown hair, curious green eyes and Energetic boy, short blond hair, bright blue eyes looking at an old, wrinkled treasure map.
They read the first clue: 'Seek the owl's wisdom at night.' 他们读到了第一条线索:“在夜间寻求猫头鹰的智慧。”
Our heroes reading a clue, moon behind the trees.
In the moonlit forest, the owl said, 'Look under the moonstone.' 在月光照射下的森林里,猫头鹰说:“看看月光石下面。”
An owl perched on a branch in the moonlit forest.
They searched and found a moonstone glowing softly on the ground. 他们搜寻起来,发现地上有一块发出柔和光芒的月光石。
Finding a glowing moonstone among the leaves.
Under the stone, a key with a moon was hidden in the earth. 石头下面,土里藏着一把带有月亮的钥匙。
The kids uncovering a moon-shaped key under the moonstone.
The next clue read: 'Through the whispering waterfall, courage you'll need.' 下一条线索是:“穿过低语的瀑布,你需要勇气。”
Energetic boy, short blond hair, bright blue eyes holding the clue, with a waterfall in the background.
Behind the waterfall, a door needed the moon key to open. 瀑布后面有一扇门,需要月亮钥匙才能打开。
A mysterious door behind the waterfall lit by moonlight.
They opened the door to see a chest as the waterfall sang. 他们打开门,看到一个箱子,瀑布在歌唱。
The chest discovered behind the door, water sounds echoing.
Inside the chest, a book told tales of the moonlit forest. 箱子里有一本讲述月光森林故事的书。
An open book from the treasure chest, glowing in the dark.
Reading the stories, they learned the forest's whispered secrets. 通过阅读这些故事,他们了解了森林中流传的秘密。
Young girl, long brown hair, curious green eyes and Energetic boy, short blond hair, bright blue eyes reading illuminated by the treasure's glow.
Now keepers of secrets, they promised to guard the moonlit treasure. 现在,他们是秘密的守护者,承诺守护月光下的宝藏。
Final vow next to the closed chest, moon shining above.

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