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The Otter and the Serpent's Challenge

The Otter and the Serpent's Challenge

Sleek brown fur, playful eyes, expressive face, webbed feet playing in her home stream, setting is daytime.
In a peaceful stream, Otter loved to play. Splashing and diving, she spent her day.
Sleek brown fur, playful eyes, expressive face, webbed feet finds a mysterious note by her den.
One morning, she found a note by her den. It read, 'Meet me by the big rock at ten.'
Sleek brown fur, playful eyes, expressive face, webbed feet meets the Large, glistening scales, piercing eyes, serpentine grace at the big rock.
Curious Otter swam to the spot. There, a Giant Serpent in the water was caught.
The challenge is posed by the Large, glistening scales, piercing eyes, serpentine grace.
Serpent hissed, 'Let's play a little game. Solve my riddles, or trapped you shall remain.'
Sleek brown fur, playful eyes, expressive face, webbed feet ponders the Serpent's first riddle.
First riddle asked, 'What has keys but can't unlock doors?' Otter thought hard on the shores.
Sleek brown fur, playful eyes, expressive face, webbed feet solves the first riddle successfully.
'A piano!' Otter exclaimed with glee. 'You are smart,' the Serpent agreed.
Serpent presents the second riddle to Sleek brown fur, playful eyes, expressive face, webbed feet.
'What comes down but never goes up?' the Serpent questioned, sneaky and abrupt.
Sleek brown fur, playful eyes, expressive face, webbed feet solves the second riddle.
Otter pondered, gazing at the cloudy sky. 'Rain!' she shouted, delighted by her reply.
Serpent poses the final riddle.
'Last riddle,' Serpent said, 'Listen well. I'm full of holes but hold water. Can you tell?'
Sleek brown fur, playful eyes, expressive face, webbed feet guesses the answer to the last riddle.
Otter paused, this was tough. But then she smiled, 'A sponge! I've played enough.'
Sleek brown fur, playful eyes, expressive face, webbed feet wins the game, and Serpent acknowledges her victory.
Serpent grinned, his challenge done. 'You're clever and wise; the game is won.'
New friendship between Sleek brown fur, playful eyes, expressive face, webbed feet and Serpent, playing in the stream.
With respect and friendship newly found, Otter played, Serpent all around.

In a peaceful stream, Otter loved to play. Splashing and diving, she spent her day.

Sleek brown fur, playful eyes, expressive face, webbed feet playing in her home stream, setting is daytime.

One morning, she found a note by her den. It read, 'Meet me by the big rock at ten.'

Sleek brown fur, playful eyes, expressive face, webbed feet finds a mysterious note by her den.

Curious Otter swam to the spot. There, a Giant Serpent in the water was caught.

Sleek brown fur, playful eyes, expressive face, webbed feet meets the Large, glistening scales, piercing eyes, serpentine grace at the big rock.

Serpent hissed, 'Let's play a little game. Solve my riddles, or trapped you shall remain.'

The challenge is posed by the Large, glistening scales, piercing eyes, serpentine grace.

First riddle asked, 'What has keys but can't unlock doors?' Otter thought hard on the shores.

Sleek brown fur, playful eyes, expressive face, webbed feet ponders the Serpent's first riddle.

'A piano!' Otter exclaimed with glee. 'You are smart,' the Serpent agreed.

Sleek brown fur, playful eyes, expressive face, webbed feet solves the first riddle successfully.

'What comes down but never goes up?' the Serpent questioned, sneaky and abrupt.

Serpent presents the second riddle to Sleek brown fur, playful eyes, expressive face, webbed feet.

Otter pondered, gazing at the cloudy sky. 'Rain!' she shouted, delighted by her reply.

Sleek brown fur, playful eyes, expressive face, webbed feet solves the second riddle.

'Last riddle,' Serpent said, 'Listen well. I'm full of holes but hold water. Can you tell?'

Serpent poses the final riddle.

Otter paused, this was tough. But then she smiled, 'A sponge! I've played enough.'

Sleek brown fur, playful eyes, expressive face, webbed feet guesses the answer to the last riddle.

Serpent grinned, his challenge done. 'You're clever and wise; the game is won.'

Sleek brown fur, playful eyes, expressive face, webbed feet wins the game, and Serpent acknowledges her victory.

With respect and friendship newly found, Otter played, Serpent all around.

New friendship between Sleek brown fur, playful eyes, expressive face, webbed feet and Serpent, playing in the stream.