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Tim and Max's Forest Adventure

Tim and Max's Forest Adventure

Tim and his dog Max find themselves surrounded by trees in the forest.
Tim saw trees. Big trees, small trees. 'Look, Max!' Tim said to his dog.

The word 'saw' means to notice with your eyes. Can you use 'saw' in a sentence?

Max barks excitedly and starts running among the trees, with Tim following.
Max barked. 'Woof! Woof!' He ran to the trees. Tim ran with Max.

The word 'barked' means the sound a dog makes. Can you make a sentence with 'barked'?

Max discovers a stick on the ground, and Tim encourages him to fetch it.
Max found a stick. 'Fetch, Max!' Tim said. Max grabbed the stick.

The word 'fetch' is when you go and bring something back. Can you use 'fetch' in a sentence?

Tim and Max encounter a frog in the forest, which makes a ribbit sound.
They saw a frog. 'Ribbit!' said the frog. Max looked at Tim.

The word 'frog' is an animal that jumps and says 'Ribbit!'. Can you make a sentence with 'frog'?

Continuing their adventure, they come across a hill they decide to climb.
Tim and Max walked on. They found a hill. 'Up we go!' said Tim.

The word 'hill' is a small area of land that is higher than the land around it. Can you use 'hill' in a sentence?

They climb the hill, which is quite high, and Tim points upward to show Max.
They went up. The hill was high. 'Look, Max!' Tim pointed up high.

The word 'high' means something that is at a great height. Can you make a sentence with 'high'?

Reaching the top of the hill, they have a clear view of the large, bright sun.
At the top, they saw the sun. The sun was big and bright. 'Nice!' Tim said.

The word 'bright' means giving off lots of light. Can you use 'bright' in a sentence?

They sit down together at the top of the hill and enjoy a tasty snack.
Tim sat down. Max sat too. They ate a snack. 'Yum!' said Tim.

The word 'snack' is a small amount of food eaten between meals. Can you use 'snack' in a sentence?

The wind starts to blow, causing the leaves around them to move as if they're dancing.
The wind blew. 'Woosh!' The leaves danced. Max watched them move.

The word 'wind' is air that moves outside. Can you make a sentence with 'wind'?

Tim and Max relax on the grass, looking up at the passing clouds.
Tim lay on the grass. Max lay too. They looked at clouds. 'Nice!' said Tim.

The word 'clouds' are white or gray things in the sky made of small water drops. Can you use 'clouds' in a sentence?

Birds start singing around them, and they take a moment to listen to the sweet music.
Birds sang songs. 'Tweet! Tweet!' Tim and Max listened. The songs were sweet.

The word 'songs' are musical pieces that are sung. Can you make a sentence with 'songs'?

As it becomes dark, Tim decides it's time for them to head back home.
It got dark. 'Time to go,' said Tim. They went home. Tim hugged Max.

The word 'dark' is when there is not much light. Can you use 'dark' in a sentence?

Tim saw trees. Big trees, small trees. 'Look, Max!' Tim said to his dog.

The word 'saw' means to notice with your eyes. Can you use 'saw' in a sentence?

Tim and his dog Max find themselves surrounded by trees in the forest.

Max barked. 'Woof! Woof!' He ran to the trees. Tim ran with Max.

The word 'barked' means the sound a dog makes. Can you make a sentence with 'barked'?

Max barks excitedly and starts running among the trees, with Tim following.

Max found a stick. 'Fetch, Max!' Tim said. Max grabbed the stick.

The word 'fetch' is when you go and bring something back. Can you use 'fetch' in a sentence?

Max discovers a stick on the ground, and Tim encourages him to fetch it.

They saw a frog. 'Ribbit!' said the frog. Max looked at Tim.

The word 'frog' is an animal that jumps and says 'Ribbit!'. Can you make a sentence with 'frog'?

Tim and Max encounter a frog in the forest, which makes a ribbit sound.

Tim and Max walked on. They found a hill. 'Up we go!' said Tim.

The word 'hill' is a small area of land that is higher than the land around it. Can you use 'hill' in a sentence?

Continuing their adventure, they come across a hill they decide to climb.

They went up. The hill was high. 'Look, Max!' Tim pointed up high.

The word 'high' means something that is at a great height. Can you make a sentence with 'high'?

They climb the hill, which is quite high, and Tim points upward to show Max.

At the top, they saw the sun. The sun was big and bright. 'Nice!' Tim said.

The word 'bright' means giving off lots of light. Can you use 'bright' in a sentence?

Reaching the top of the hill, they have a clear view of the large, bright sun.

Tim sat down. Max sat too. They ate a snack. 'Yum!' said Tim.

The word 'snack' is a small amount of food eaten between meals. Can you use 'snack' in a sentence?

They sit down together at the top of the hill and enjoy a tasty snack.

The wind blew. 'Woosh!' The leaves danced. Max watched them move.

The word 'wind' is air that moves outside. Can you make a sentence with 'wind'?

The wind starts to blow, causing the leaves around them to move as if they're dancing.

Tim lay on the grass. Max lay too. They looked at clouds. 'Nice!' said Tim.

The word 'clouds' are white or gray things in the sky made of small water drops. Can you use 'clouds' in a sentence?

Tim and Max relax on the grass, looking up at the passing clouds.

Birds sang songs. 'Tweet! Tweet!' Tim and Max listened. The songs were sweet.

The word 'songs' are musical pieces that are sung. Can you make a sentence with 'songs'?

Birds start singing around them, and they take a moment to listen to the sweet music.

It got dark. 'Time to go,' said Tim. They went home. Tim hugged Max.

The word 'dark' is when there is not much light. Can you use 'dark' in a sentence?

As it becomes dark, Tim decides it's time for them to head back home.