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The Adventures of Mei and the Magic Words

Once upon a time in a colorful town, there lived a kind little girl named Mei. Mei had a magical power; whenever she said the words '没关系,' which means 'it's okay,' something wonderful would happen.

Introduction to Mei: little girl, 8 years old, cheerful, black hair, brown eyes and her magic words in her hometown

One sunny day, Mei saw a sad looking butterfly with a broken wing sitting on a flower. '没关系,' Mei whispered, and just like that, the butterfly's wing healed, and it fluttered into the sky with a smile.

Mei: little girl, 8 years old, cheerful, black hair, brown eyes heals a butterfly's broken wing with her magic words

Next, Mei came across a stream where a fish was struggling, unable to swim. '没关系,' Mei said softly, and the fish suddenly found itself swimming happily, splashing water as it went.

Mei: little girl, 8 years old, cheerful, black hair, brown eyes helps a fish swim again using her magic words

Later, Mei found a lost puppy whining under a bush. The puppy couldn't find its way home. '没关系,' Mei comforted, and a path of glowing paw prints appeared, leading the puppy back to its house.

Mei: little girl, 8 years old, cheerful, black hair, brown eyes assists a lost puppy to find its way home

As the sun began to set, Mei heard the trees whispering about a missing baby bird. Mei climbed up, gently picked the baby bird, and said, '没关系.' The baby bird flew back to its nest, chirping happily.

Mei: little girl, 8 years old, cheerful, black hair, brown eyes rescues a baby bird and returns it to its nest

That night, Mei felt tired after all her good deeds. She discovered her '没关系' magic didn't work on her own scrapes and bruises. But Mei just smiled and said, 'It's really okay.'

Mei: little girl, 8 years old, cheerful, black hair, brown eyes finds out her magic words don't work on herself but remains positive

As Mei went to bed, the stars twinkled extra brightly to say thank you. Mei knew that sometimes magic is in the helping, not just in the words. And with a happy heart, she drifted off to sleep.

Mei: little girl, 8 years old, cheerful, black hair, brown eyes goes to bed feeling happy about her day of helping others