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Clean and Green: A Tale of Tidiness
Temiz ve Yeşil: Bir Düzenlilik Hikayesi
Once upon a time, in the bustling town of Eco Valley, lived a little girl named Lily. She loved to play in the flower-filled meadows and chirping forests.

Bir zamanlar, yem yeşil bir kasabada Aylin adında küçük bir kız yaşardı. Çiçeklerle dolu çimenlerde ve cıvıl cıvıl ormanlarda oynamayı çok severdi.

Pretend to smell the flowers and listen to the birds chirping.

Introduction to Lily and her love for nature, setting in Eco Valley.
Lily's mom always told her, 'Cleanliness is important, my dear. It keeps us healthy and the environment happy.' So, every day, Lily tidied up her toys and recycled her waste. She understood the importance of being neat.

Aylin'in annesi ona her zaman şöyle derdi: 'Temizlik önemlidir canım. Bizi sağlıklı tutar ve çevreyi mutlu eder.' Böylece Aylin her gün oyuncaklarını topluyor ve malzeme atıklarını geri dönüştürüyordu. Düzenli olmanın önemini anladı.

Pretend to tidy up your toys and put them away neatly.

Lily’s mom reinforces the importance of cleanliness to Lily in her daily life.
One sunny day, Lily and her friends decided to have a picnic in the park. As they enjoyed their sandwiches, Lily noticed some litter on the ground. She immediately sprang into action, picking up the trash and putting it in the bin.

Güneşli bir günde Aylin ve arkadaşları parkta piknik yapmaya karar verdiler. Sandviçlerinin tadını çıkarırken Aylin yerde bir miktar çöp olduğunu fark etti. Hemen harekete geçti ve çöpü alıp çöp kutusuna attı.

Pretend to pick up some litter and put it in a bin.

Lily and her friends have a picnic and show responsibility by picking up litter.
Later that week, Lily's class visited the recycling center. She learned about the different materials that can be reused. Excitedly, she shared this knowledge with her family.

O haftanın ilerleyen saatlerinde Aylin'in sınıfı geri dönüşüm merkezini ziyaret etti. Yeniden kullanılabilecek farklı malzemeleri öğrendi. Öğrendiği bilgileri ailesiyle heyecanla paylaştı.

Pretend to sort and recycle items like paper, plastic, and glass.

Lily visits a recycling center with her class and shares her new knowledge with family.
As time passed, Lily realized that by keeping her surroundings clean and recycling, she was contributing to the well-being of the environment. She felt proud.

Zaman geçtikçe Aylin, çevresini temiz tutarak ve geri dönüşüm yaparak çevrenin refahına katkıda bulunduğunu fark etti. Kendisiyle gurur duydu.

Pretend to smile and show that you're proud of doing good for the environment.

Lily reflects on the impact of her cleanliness habits and feels proud.
One rainy day, Lily noticed that the river was overflowing with plastic bottles and bags. She knew action was needed. So, she inspired her friends and community to join her in a clean-up drive. Together, they made a difference.

Yağmurlu bir günde Aylin nehrin plastik şişeler ve poşetlerle dolup taştığını fark etti. Harekete geçilmesi gerektiğini biliyordu. Bu yüzden arkadaşlarına ve yakınlarına bir temizlik kampanyasına katılmaları için ilham verdi. Birlikte bir fark yarattılar.

Pretend to gather with friends and clean up an imaginary pollution mess.

One rainy day, Lily noticed that the river was overflowing with plastic bottles and bags. She knew action was needed. So, she inspired her friends and community to join her in a clean-up drive. Together, they made a difference.
The village council appreciated Lily's efforts and decided to organize regular clean-up events. The town soon became cleaner, and the river sparkled once more. Everyone thanked Lily for her dedication to cleanliness and the environment.

Köy meclisi Lily'nin çabalarını takdir etti ve düzenli temizlik etkinlikleri düzenlemeye karar verdi. Kasaba kısa sürede temizlendi ve nehir bir kez daha parıldadı. Herkes Lily'ye temizliğe ve çevreye olan bağlılığından dolayı teşekkür etti.

Pretend to thank someone for their good work in helping the environment.

The village council appreciated Lily's efforts and decided to organize regular clean-up events. The town soon became cleaner, and the river sparkled once more. Everyone thanked Lily for her dedication to cleanliness and the environment.
In the end, Lily learned that cleanliness is not just about personal hygiene, but also about keeping our surroundings clean. By taking care of her environment, she was ensuring a healthier and happier world for all.

Sonunda Aylin, temizliğin sadece kişisel hijyenle ilgili olmadığını, aynı zamanda çevremizi temiz tutmakla da ilgili olduğunu öğrendi. Çevresine özen göstererek, herkesin daha temiz ve mutlu bir dünyaya sahip olabilmek için çabalamasını arttırdı.

Pretend to give a big hug to show love for the world and everyone in it.

Organize and participate in a community-driven environmental cleanup initiative. Discuss the importance of community involvement in maintaining a clean environment and share your experiences or ideas on how individuals can contribute to a healthier community. Highlight the impact of collective efforts in creating a sustainable and eco-friendly living space
From that day on, Lily continued her clean habits, ensuring that Eco Valley remained a beautiful and pristine place for all its residents. She knew that by being clean and green, she was making a difference.

O günden sonra Lily, Eco Valley'in tüm sakinleri için güzel ve bozulmamış bir yer olarak kalmasını sağlayarak temiz alışkanlıklarını sürdürdü. Temiz ve yeşil kalarak bir fark yarattığını biliyordu.

Pretend to plant an imaginary tree in the garden to symbolize keeping the environment green and clean.

Lily commits to maintaining her clean habits and preserving the beauty of Eco Valley.
And so, the tale of Lily and her tidiness spread far and wide, inspiring many others to follow her lead. It's amazing how one small act can lead to a cleaner, greener world.

Ve böylece Aylin'in ve onun temizlik alışkanlıklarının hikayesi her yere yayıldı ve birçok kişiye onu takip etme konusunda ilham verdi. Küçük bir hareketin daha temiz, daha yeşil bir dünyaya yol açabileceğini herkes öğrenmiş oldu.

Pretend to hold hands with someone and smile, showing unity in keeping the world clean.

Lily’s impact inspires others to adopt cleanliness habits for a better world.
The end.


Pretend to give someone a high five, representing unity in keeping the world clean.

The story ends with a message of hope and a call to action for everyone to keep the world clean.

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