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The Amazing Adventures of Max and Mia at MIT

Once upon a time, there were two best friends named Max and Mia. They loved to explore and learn new things. One day, they heard about a magical place called MIT. It was a special university where people invented amazing things and solved big problems. Max and Mia were excited to visit MIT and see what they could discover!

What is the name of the special university Max and Mia want to visit?

  • A) Harvard
  • B) MIT
  • C) Disneyland
  • D) Zoo
Max has brown hair, blue eyes, and a big smile and Mia has blonde hair, green eyes, and a big smile are standing outside MIT, a big building with lots of windows and a big sign that says 'MIT'. They are smiling and holding hands.

As Max and Mia entered MIT, they were amazed by all the cool things they saw. There were robots that could talk, computers that could think, and even a machine that could fly! Max and Mia couldn't wait to learn how all these things worked.

What are some of the cool things Max and Mia saw at MIT?

  • A) Talking robots, thinking computers, and a flying machine
  • B) Talking animals, magic wands, and a pirate ship
  • C) Talking trees, floating books, and a rainbow slide
  • D) Talking cars, dancing dolls, and a roller coaster
Max has brown hair, blue eyes, and a big smile and Mia has blonde hair, green eyes, and a big smile are inside MIT, surrounded by robots, computers, and a flying machine. They have big eyes and open mouths, showing their excitement.

Max and Mia met some friendly students at MIT who showed them around. They learned that MIT was a place where people from all over the world came to study and work together. They saw students building rockets, designing video games, and even creating new medicines to help people feel better.

What did Max and Mia learn about the students at MIT?

  • A) The students come from all over the world and work together
  • B) The students only study math and science
  • C) The students are all superheroes with special powers
  • D) The students like to play all day and never study
Max has brown hair, blue eyes, and a big smile and Mia has blonde hair, green eyes, and a big smile are with some students at MIT. The students are diverse, with different skin colors and clothes. They are working on a rocket, playing video games, and mixing potions in a lab.

Max and Mia also discovered that MIT had a big library full of books about every subject imaginable. They found books about dinosaurs, space, art, and even cooking! They spent hours reading and learning new things.

What did Max and Mia find in the library at MIT?

  • A) Books about dinosaurs, space, art, and cooking
  • B) Books about fairies, unicorns, and magic spells
  • C) Books about cars, robots, and superheroes
  • D) Books about princesses, castles, and knights
Max has brown hair, blue eyes, and a big smile and Mia has blonde hair, green eyes, and a big smile are sitting in a cozy corner of the library at MIT. There are shelves full of colorful books around them. They are holding books and reading with big smiles on their faces.

After a fun-filled day at MIT, Max and Mia realized that learning can be exciting and that they could be inventors too. They promised each other that they would always explore, ask questions, and never stop learning. And so, their amazing adventures continued!

What did Max and Mia promise each other after their visit to MIT?

  • A) To explore, ask questions, and never stop learning
  • B) To watch TV all day and never go to school
  • C) To eat ice cream every day and never do homework
  • D) To sleep all day and never go on adventures
Max has brown hair, blue eyes, and a big smile and Mia has blonde hair, green eyes, and a big smile are walking away from MIT, holding hands and looking determined. They have big smiles on their faces.