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Zeynep and the Tiny Invaders
Zeynep ve Minik İstilacılar
Zeynep loved playing games more than anything. She could play all day long!

Zeynep oyun oynamayı her şeyden çok seviyordu. Bütün gün oynayabilir!

Pretend to play with your favorite toy.

Cheerful girl, brown skin, curly black hair, big brown eyes, in her room playing with toys.
One day, after a quick trip to the toilet, she rushed back to her toys.

Bir gün tuvalete kısa bir yolculuk yaptıktan sonra aceleyle oyuncaklarına geri döndü.

Make a rushing motion as if running back to play.

Bathroom, Cheerful girl, brown skin, curly black hair, big brown eyes leaving without washing hands properly.
She splashed her hands with water, but forgot the soap on the sink.

Ellerine su sıçrattı ama sabunu lavaboda unuttu.

Mimic washing hands but don't 'pick up' the soap.

Cheerful girl, brown skin, curly black hair, big brown eyes at the sink, soap bar untouched.
In the tiny world of germs, bacteria cheered, 'Time to venture inside!'

Mikropların küçücük dünyasında bakteriler, 'İçeriye girme zamanı!' diye bağırdılar.

Act out tiny bacteria jumping up and down.

Imagined germs celebrating, entrance to body.
Zeynep tapped her mouth thoughtfully, unaware of the invisible hitchhikers.

Zeynep, görünmez otostopçulardan habersiz, düşünceli bir şekilde ağzını tıklattı.

Tap your chin like you're thinking hard.

Cheerful girl, brown skin, curly black hair, big brown eyes thinking, germs near her mouth.
Her mom called out, 'Washed with soap? I have fruits for you!'

Annesi seslendi: 'Sabunla mı yıkandın? Senin için meyvelerim var!'

Shout like mom, 'Did you wash with soap?'

Caring figure, light skin, straight brown hair, glasses in the kitchen with fruits, asking Cheerful girl, brown skin, curly black hair, big brown eyes.
Zeynep zoomed to soap her hands, but the bacteria had already sneaked in.

Zeynep ellerini sabunlamak için yaklaştı ama bakteriler çoktan içeri sızmıştı.

Act fast 'soaping' your hands properly.

Cheerful girl, brown skin, curly black hair, big brown eyes washing hands with soap too late.
With a plate of colorful fruits waiting, Zeynep chose a wafer instead.

Rengarenk meyvelerle dolu bir tabak bekleyen Zeynep, onun yerine gofreti tercih etti.

Pretend to pick something to eat from two options.

Cheerful girl, brown skin, curly black hair, big brown eyes picking a wafer, fruit plate aside.
The germs inside cheered again, 'Junk food! Our power grows!'

İçerideki mikroplar yeniden 'Abur cubur! Gücümüz artıyor!'

Rub your stomach and smile like a happy germ.

Germs inside Cheerful girl, brown skin, curly black hair, big brown eyes, happy with junk food choice.
'If she skips veggies, we'll thrive!' the bacteria chanted in glee.

'Sebzeleri atlarsa gelişiriz!' bakteriler neşe içinde ilahiler söylüyordu.

Whisper to your neighbor, 'No veggies, more power!'

Tiny, imagined creatures, menacing grins, cartoonish plotting inside, thinking about future plans.
Soon, Zeynep felt a tummy ache and realized something was wrong.

Zeynep çok geçmeden karnının ağrıdığını hissetti ve bir şeylerin ters gittiğini anladı.

Hold your tummy and make a sad face.

Cheerful girl, brown skin, curly black hair, big brown eyes unhappy, holding her stomach.
She decided to tell her mom, who knew what to do to make her feel better.

Kendini daha iyi hissetmesi için ne yapması gerektiğini bilen annesine anlatmaya karar verdi.

Act out telling someone you trust when you feel unwell.

Cheerful girl, brown skin, curly black hair, big brown eyes talking to her mom, seeking help.
Mom explained, 'Eating healthy and washing with soap keeps the bad germs away.'

Annem şöyle açıkladı: 'Sağlıklı beslenmek ve sabunla yıkanmak, kötü mikropları uzak tutar.'

Nod your head as you listen to good advice.

Caring figure, light skin, straight brown hair, glasses comforting Cheerful girl, brown skin, curly black hair, big brown eyes, educational moment.
Zeynep promised to remember, knowing health matters more than any game.

Sağlığın her oyundan daha önemli olduğunu bilen Zeynep, bunu hatırlayacağına söz verdi.

Put your hand over your heart and promise to stay healthy.

Cheerful girl, brown skin, curly black hair, big brown eyes thinking, making a healthy choice.

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