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Willy's Brave Climb

Willy's eyes sparkled as he looked at the tall gates of his new school. Today was his first day riding a motor cycle.

What was special about today for Willy?

  • A) It was his birthday.
  • B) It was his first day of school.
  • C) He was going to the park.
  • D) He was getting a new bike.
Young boy, short brown hair, bright blue eyes, wearing a red shirt's excited gaze on the tall gates of his new school, feeling hopeful.

He saw a tall tree by the playground. 'I want to climb that,' Willy thought.

What did Willy want to do when he saw the tree?

  • A) Climb it.
  • B) Draw it.
  • C) Ignore it.
  • D) Cut it down.
Young boy, short brown hair, bright blue eyes, wearing a red shirt observes a tall tree and feeling an urge to climb it.

The branches waved like they were inviting him. 'Wait for recess,' he told himself.

When did Willy decide to climb the tree?

  • A) During class.
  • B) Before school started.
  • C) At recess.
  • D) After he got home.
Tree branches seem inviting, Young boy, short brown hair, bright blue eyes, wearing a red shirt decides to wait for recess to climb.

The bell rang and children flooded out. Willy ran to the tree with a determined smile.

What did Willy do when recess started?

  • A) He went home.
  • B) He did his homework.
  • C) He ran to the tree.
  • D) He sat down to eat.
The school bell rings for recess and Young boy, short brown hair, bright blue eyes, wearing a red shirt heads to the tree determinedly.

He placed his foot on the lowest branch and pulled himself up. 'This is high,' Willy thought.

How did Willy feel about the height of the tree?

  • A) It was low.
  • B) It was scary.
  • C) It was high.
  • D) It was colorful.
Young boy, short brown hair, bright blue eyes, wearing a red shirt begins to climb, noticing the height.

Step by step, he climbed higher, until the playground looked tiny below him.

What looked tiny to Willy as he climbed higher?

  • A) His house.
  • B) His classroom.
  • C) The playground.
  • D) The sky.
Young boy, short brown hair, bright blue eyes, wearing a red shirt climbs higher and the playground appears small.

Suddenly, a butterfly fluttered by. It was bright yellow and very pretty.

What caught Willy's attention while he was up in the tree?

  • A) A rainbow.
  • B) A yellow butterfly.
  • C) A red balloon.
  • D) A bird.
A bright yellow butterfly catches Young boy, short brown hair, bright blue eyes, wearing a red shirt's attention.

Willy reached out slowly and the butterfly landed softly on his hand.

Where did the butterfly land?

  • A) On the ground.
  • B) On a leaf.
  • C) On a flower.
  • D) On Willy's hand.
Young boy, short brown hair, bright blue eyes, wearing a red shirt gently catches the butterfly on his hand.

He smiled, feeling proud. 'I did it,' he whispered, looking at the butterfly's wings.

What did Willy feel after catching the butterfly?

  • A) Scared.
  • B) Proud.
  • C) Sad.
  • D) Angry.
Young boy, short brown hair, bright blue eyes, wearing a red shirt feels proud after gently catching the butterfly.

But it was time to go down. Carefully, Willy began his descent.

What did Willy do after spending some time with the butterfly?

  • A) He stayed in the tree.
  • B) He began to climb down.
  • C) He called for help.
  • D) He took a nap.
Knowing recess will end, Young boy, short brown hair, bright blue eyes, wearing a red shirt starts to climb down.

With each step downward, he felt more confident. He reached the ground and looked up.

How did Willy feel as he climbed down the tree?

  • A) Less confident.
  • B) More hesitant.
  • C) More confident.
  • D) Very tired.
Descending the tree, Young boy, short brown hair, bright blue eyes, wearing a red shirt gains confidence.

He had climbed a tree and caught a butterfly. He knew he could face new challenges.

What did Willy realize after his adventures?

  • A) He needed help.
  • B) He could face new challenges.
  • C) He should never climb again.
  • D) He could fly like a butterfly.
Young boy, short brown hair, bright blue eyes, wearing a red shirt reflects on his accomplishments with newfound confidence.

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