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Strength from Above
In a sunny meadow, a young girl named Lily felt very small.


Touch your toes and reach high like a tall tree.

Girl with sunny hair, full of hope, bright blue eyes, wears a green dress in a meadow looking at a tall tree, feeling timid.
She wanted to climb the tall oak tree, but the branches looked so high.


Pretend to shield your eyes and look up at a tall tree.

Girl with sunny hair, full of hope, bright blue eyes, wears a green dress in a meadow looking at a tall tree, feeling timid.
Lily remembered her mom saying, 'You have more strength than you know, with help from above.'


Place a hand over your heart and smile with confidence.

Girl with sunny hair, full of hope, bright blue eyes, wears a green dress recalling her mother's encouraging words.
Taking a deep breath, Lily reached for the lowest branch.


Stretch your arms as if grabbing a branch.

Girl with sunny hair, full of hope, bright blue eyes, wears a green dress about to start climbing the oak tree.
She pulled herself up and sat, looking at the meadow from up high.


Sit down and look around at the world from high above.

Girl with sunny hair, full of hope, bright blue eyes, wears a green dress sitting on a tree branch, a new perspective of the meadow.
Every step she took brought her closer to the sky, as though she was being lifted.


Lift one leg as though stepping onto a higher branch.

Girl with sunny hair, full of hope, bright blue eyes, wears a green dress climbing higher, feeling supported by an unseen force.
The leaves whispered, 'Keep going, Lily,' as a gentle breeze pushed her onward.


Wave your hands gently like the rustling leaves.

Leaves rustling around Girl with sunny hair, full of hope, bright blue eyes, wears a green dress as she feels encouraged by the wind.
With each branch, Lily felt stronger and knew she wasn't alone.


Give yourself a big hug to feel the strength within you.

Girl with sunny hair, full of hope, bright blue eyes, wears a green dress gaining confidence with each branch she conquers.
Near the top, Lily found a bird's nest and whispered, 'I made it, thank you.'


Cup your hands around your mouth and whisper 'I made it.'

Girl with sunny hair, full of hope, bright blue eyes, wears a green dress at the top, whispering her thanks to a bird's nest.
Gazing down, everything seemed possible. The meadow was a sea of green hope.


Shade your eyes and gaze into the distance with hope.

Girl with sunny hair, full of hope, bright blue eyes, wears a green dress looking down at the meadow from the top, feeling hopeful.
Climbing down, Lily's heart was full. She had done it with help from above.


Climb down slowly, feeling your feet firmly on the ground.

Girl with sunny hair, full of hope, bright blue eyes, wears a green dress climbing down, feeling fulfilled and thankful.
Back on the ground, Lily knew she could face big things with a little faith.


Stand up straight, arms at your side, feeling grounded and strong.

Girl with sunny hair, full of hope, bright blue eyes, wears a green dress stands firm on the ground, ready for new challenges.

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