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Rainbow Snake and the Colors of the World

Once upon a time, there was a Rainbow Snake who lived in a magical cave. The snake had the power to create beautiful colors in the world.

Snake with rainbow colors, sparkles, and a wise smile in cave with colors

Every morning, Rainbow Snake would slither out of its cave and travel across the land. As it journeyed, it would touch different objects, and they would instantly become vibrant with color.

Snake with rainbow colors, sparkles, and a wise smile touches objects, colors appear

One day, the Rainbow Snake came across a group of animals arguing. The snake stopped to listen and realized they were fighting because they couldn't understand each other.

Snake with rainbow colors, sparkles, and a wise smile listening to animals, animals arguing

The Rainbow Snake decided to help. It slithered up to the animals and taught them the importance of good listening. It showed them that by truly hearing each other, they could solve their problems and live in harmony.

Snake with rainbow colors, sparkles, and a wise smile teaching animals to listen, animals happy

As the animals began listening to each other, they understood different perspectives and became friends. With their newfound understanding, they painted beautiful pictures together using the colors created by Rainbow Snake.

Various animals with different colors and happy expressions painting pictures

Word of the Rainbow Snake spread, and soon creatures from all over the world came to seek its wisdom. The snake taught them the power of good listening, and how it can bring colors of understanding into their lives.

Snake with rainbow colors, sparkles, and a wise smile teaching creatures, creatures happy

From that day forward, the world became a more colorful and peaceful place. Everyone learned that by listening and truly understanding each other, they could create a world filled with love, joy, and beautiful colors.

World filled with colors, happy creatures

And so, the Rainbow Snake continued its journey, spreading colors and teaching the importance of good listening to all who crossed its path. And they all lived happily ever after.

Snake with rainbow colors, sparkles, and a wise smile slithering with colors, happy creatures

Reflection Questions

  • Why did the Rainbow Snake help the animals?
  • What did the animals learn from the Rainbow Snake?
  • How did the world become more peaceful and colorful?