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Mia's New Stage

Yunni sat on the bench, hugging her knees. Her eyes were wet with fresh tears.

Pretend to hug your knees tightly.

A little girl with blac hair, long hair, wearing a pink dress is upset and sitting alone on a school bench.

A soccer ball rolled to her feet. She kicked it softly back to the laughing children.

Gently kick an imaginary soccer ball.

A little girl with black long hair, wearing a pink dress returns a ball to her classmates playing soccer.

Ms. Anu noticed Yunni . 'Why so glum, dear?' she asked, sitting beside her.

Put a comforting hand on a friend's shoulder.

A little girl with black long hair, wearing a pink dress is approached by her kind teacher, Kind teacher with glasses, red hair, and a green sweater.

Yunni sniffled. 'I miss my mother,' she whispered.

Whisper to someone next to you.

A little girl with black long hair, wearing a pink dress confides in Kind teacher with glasses, red hair, and a green sweater about her school play mishap.

Ms. Anu smiled warmly. 'Everyone is here to play with you. You're not alone.'

Give yourself a reassuring hug.

Kind teacher with glasses, red hair, and a green sweater empathizes with A little girl with black long hair, wearing a pink dress, offering her support and comfort.

'Really?Will you be with me?' Yunni asked, a small smile breaking through her sadness.

Show a small, hopeful smile.

A little girl with black long hair, wearing a pink dress begins to feel better after Kind teacher with glasses, red hair, and a green sweater's encouragement.

'Yes, indeed. Let's go to the class together,' offered Ms. Anu, standing up.

Stand up tall and confident.

Kind teacher with glasses, red hair, and a green sweater offers to help A little girl with black long hair, wearing a pink dress practice to gain assurance.

Yunni repeated her lines with Ms. Anu, growing more certain with each word.

Pretend to speak loudly and clearly.

A little girl with black long hair, wearing a pink dress practices her lines, gaining more self-assurance.

The bell rang. 'You'll be brilliant,' cheered Ms. Anu as Yunni joined her class.

Clap enthusiastically for a friend.

The bell signals the end of recess, and A little girl with black long hair, wearing a pink dress returns to class encouraged.

During the class, Yunni stood tall on the stage, her heart pounding.

Put your hand over your heart.

A little girl with black long hair, wearing a pink dress is on stage, feeling nervous but ready.

She looked at her friends, took a deep breath, and began to speak.

Take a deep breath and then let it out slowly.

A little girl with black long hair, wearing a pink dress starts her performance, taking a deep breath for courage.

Yunni's lines flowed beautifully. The audience's applause filled the room.

Clap your hands as if you just saw a great performance.

A little girl with black long hair, wearing a pink dress successfully delivers her lines, and everyone applauds.

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