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The Magic Garden

Once upon a time, in a magical land, there was a beautiful garden with colorful flowers and talking animals. The garden was filled with sparkling fountains and golden butterflies. Every plant in the garden had special powers. The roses could heal wounds, the daisies could grant wishes, and the sunflowers could make you laugh. It was a place of wonder and enchantment.

What special powers did the roses have?

  • A) They could grant wishes.
  • B) They could fly.
  • C) They could heal wounds.
  • D) They could make you laugh.
A magical garden with colorful flowers and talking animals.

In the center of the garden, there was a wise old tree named Oakley. Oakley had a long white beard and a kind smile. He was the guardian of the garden and kept all the plants and animals safe. Oakley loved to tell stories and teach the young ones about the wonders of nature. He was always surrounded by a group of curious animals eager to learn.

What did Oakley love to do?

  • A) Fly in the sky.
  • B) Sing songs and dance.
  • C) Play hide and seek.
  • D) Tell stories and teach the young ones.
A wise old tree named A wise old tree with a long white beard. with a long white beard.

One sunny day, a young girl named Lily visited the magic garden. She had heard stories about the wonders and wanted to see them for herself. As soon as Lily entered the garden, the flowers bloomed brighter, and the animals gathered around her. They sensed her pure heart and knew she was special. Lily spent the whole day exploring, laughing, and making friends with the magical creatures.

Why did the flowers bloom brighter when Lily entered the garden?

  • A) Because Lily was special.
  • B) Because it was a sunny day.
  • C) Because Lily had a magic wand.
  • D) Because the flowers were happy.
A young girl named A young girl with a curious and kind heart. exploring the magic garden.

As the sun started setting, Lily noticed a small butterfly with shimmering wings. It whispered in her ear, 'Follow me.' Curious, Lily followed the butterfly to a hidden part of the garden. There, she discovered a secret door covered in vines. The butterfly gently touched the door, and it swung open, revealing a magical realm beyond.

What did the butterfly whisper to Lily?

  • A) 'Hide and seek.'
  • B) 'Follow me.'
  • C) 'Go away.'
  • D) 'Don't touch anything.'
A small butterfly leading A young girl with a curious and kind heart. to a hidden door.

Inside the hidden realm, Lily found a kingdom of fairies. The fairies had tiny wings and wore dresses made of petals. They welcomed Lily with open arms and taught her their magical dances. Lily felt like she belonged in this world of wonder. The fairies told her that the garden had chosen her to be its protector, and she promised to take care of it forever.

What did the fairies teach Lily?

  • A) Mathematics.
  • B) Cooking recipes.
  • C) Painting techniques.
  • D) Magical dances.
A kingdom of fairies with tiny wings and dresses made of petals.

From that day forward, Lily became the guardian of the magic garden. She would visit the garden every day, talk to the plants and animals, and make sure everything was in harmony. The garden thrived under her care, blossoming with even more vibrant colors and enchanting scents. Lily's love for the garden was a magical bond that could never be broken.

What did Lily become?

  • A) A guardian of the magic garden.
  • B) A famous dancer.
  • C) A fairy princess.
  • D) A royal queen.
A young girl with a curious and kind heart. becoming the guardian of the magic garden.

And so, the magic garden continued to bring joy and wonder to all who visited. The animals and plants lived in perfect harmony, and the garden remained a place of enchantment for generations to come. Lily's love and care had turned it into a truly magical paradise where dreams come true.

What did Lily's love and care turn the garden into?

  • A) A truly magical paradise.
  • B) A smelly swamp.
  • C) A boring desert.
  • D) A dark forest.
The magic garden bringing joy and wonder to all.

Reflection Questions

  • What can the roses in the garden do?
  • Who is the guardian of the garden?
  • What did Lily find behind the hidden door?