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Rainbow Snake's Gift
Cadeau du serpent arc-en-ciel
Once upon a time, in a deep green forest, Rainbow Snake slithered gracefully, spreading colors. The sun glistened through the leaves, and animals gathered to witness the magic.

Il était une fois, dans une forêt d’un vert profond, Rainbow Snake glissait gracieusement, répandant des couleurs. Le soleil brillait à travers les feuilles et les animaux se rassemblaient pour assister à la magie.

What did Rainbow Snake do in the forest?

  • A) Made music
  • B) Spread colors
  • C) Built a house
  • D) Played with animals
Forest setting, Shimmering multicolored scales, bright violet eyes spreading colors, animals watching.
With a flick of her tail, red blossomed on the flowers, and birds chirped with joy. The snake's scales shimmered, and a young rabbit hopped closer in awe.

D'un simple mouvement de queue, le rouge s'épanouit sur les fleurs et les oiseaux gazouillaient de joie. Les écailles du serpent scintillèrent et un jeune lapin sauta plus près, émerveillé.

What happened when Rainbow Snake flicked her tail?

  • A) The flowers wilted
  • B) The sky turned dark
  • C) The birds flew away
  • D) The red color appeared
Red on flowers, joyful birds, young rabbit in awe.
The rabbit whispered, 'Your colors make everything beautiful.' Rainbow Snake nodded, her eyes glowing with wisdom. 'Every color holds a message. Listen carefully to the hues around you,' she said softly.

Le lapin murmura : « Vos couleurs rendent tout beau. » Rainbow Snake hocha la tête, ses yeux brillant de sagesse. « Chaque couleur contient un message. Écoute attentivement les teintes autour de toi, dit-elle doucement.

What did the rabbit say to Rainbow Snake?

  • A) Your colors are boring
  • B) Your colors make everything beautiful
  • C) Your colors scare me
  • D) Your colors are strange
Fluffy gray fur, lively brown eyes complimenting, Snake nodding, discussing colors' messages.
The little rabbit sat by the snake's side. They talked for hours about the language of colors and the joy in positive communication.

Le petit lapin était assis à côté du serpent. Ils ont parlé pendant des heures du langage des couleurs et de la joie de la communication positive.

What did the rabbit and snake talk about?

  • A) Food recipes
  • B) German language
  • C) Language of colors and positive communication
  • D) Weather patterns
Fluffy gray fur, lively brown eyes and snake talking about colors and communication.
As the sun began to dip, a rainbow appeared, painting the sky in vibrant bands. The snake smiled, knowing she had shared her greatest gift.

Alors que le soleil commençait à baisser, un arc-en-ciel est apparu, peignant le ciel de bandes vibrantes. Le serpent sourit, sachant qu'elle avait partagé son plus beau cadeau.

What appeared in the sky as the sun began to dip?

  • A) Clouds
  • B) Stars
  • C) Rainbow
  • D) Darkness
Sun dipping, rainbow appearing, snake feeling accomplished.

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