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The Castle Adventure

Once upon a time, in a faraway land, there was a brave young knight named Alex. Alex lived in a beautiful castle on top of a hill. One sunny morning, as he was wandering through the castle, he discovered a mysterious door.

a chalkboard with colorful math equations and numbers on it

Curiosity sparkled in Alex's eyes as he pushed the heavy door open. What a surprise! It led him to a magical room full of puzzles and riddles. It was the puzzle room! Alex knew he had to solve the puzzles to continue his adventure.

Young knight, brown hair, blue eyes stepping into a room filled with puzzles and riddles

The first puzzle was a math problem. Alex saw a group of 3 knights. Each knight had 2 swords. How many swords were there in total? Can you solve this, young reader?

Young knight, brown hair, blue eyes standing in front of 3 knights with 2 swords each

Alex, being a math expert, quickly figured out the answer was 6 swords. With a smile on his face, he moved on to the next challenge.

Young knight, brown hair, blue eyes smiling, knowing the answer to the math problem

In the next room, Alex encountered a friendly talking dragon. The dragon had orange scales and big green eyes. It said, 'To continue your quest, you must solve this puzzle: If you have 4 gold coins and you give 2 to a friend, how many do you have left?'

Young knight, brown hair, blue eyes meeting a friendly Friendly dragon, orange scales, big green eyes with orange scales and green eyes

Alex thought for a moment and realized the answer was 2 gold coins. The dragon nodded approvingly, allowing Alex to move forward.

Young knight, brown hair, blue eyes thinking, with the Friendly dragon, orange scales, big green eyes nodding in approval

As the adventure continued, Alex reached the final room. There stood a magical lock with numbers on it. The clue said, 'The code to unlock the door is a number that comes after 9 and before 12. Can you find the code?'

Young knight, brown hair, blue eyes standing in front of a magical lock with numbers on it

Alex knew the answer was 10 and excitedly inputted the code. The door slowly creaked open, revealing a treasure room full of sparkling jewels and gold. Alex's heart was filled with joy.

Young knight, brown hair, blue eyes unlocking the door to the treasure room, surprised and happy

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