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Mia's Heart Shines Through
Ua susulu atu le loto o Mia
Once upon a time, in a sunny valley, there lived a cheerful little girl named Mia. She loved playing with her fluffy dog, Buster.

I se tasi taimi, i se vanu susulu, sa nofo ai se teineitiiti fiafia e igoa ia Mia. Sa fiafia o ia e taalo ma lana maile fulu, o Buster.

What is the name of the little girl?

  • A) Molly
  • B) Mia
  • C) Marie
  • D) Maya
Introduction of Little girl with bright green eyes and curly brown hair and Fluffy brown dog, energetic and playful, playful scene in a valley.
One sunny morning, while Mia and Buster were playing fetch, they saw a new boy sitting alone under a tree, looking sad.

I se tasi taeao susulu, a o taaalo Mia ma Buster, sa la vaaia ai se tama fou o nofonofo toatasi i lalo o se laau, ma foliga faanoanoa.

What was the boy doing under the tree?

  • A) Laughing
  • B) Eating
  • C) Looking sad
  • D) Sleeping
Little girl with bright green eyes and curly brown hair sees a new boy who appears sad, sunny morning.
Feeling curious, Mia approached the boy. 'Hi, I'm Mia. Why are you sitting all alone?' she asked gently.

I le lagonaina o le fiailoa, na alu atu ai Mia i le tama. 'Talofa, o a'u o Mia. Aisea ua e nofonofo ai na o oe?' o lana fesili lemu.

What did Mia ask the boy?

  • A) Want to play fetch?
  • B) What's your name?
  • C) Why are you all alone?
  • D) Are you new here?
Little girl with bright green eyes and curly brown hair approaches and speaks to the boy, showing concern.
'Hello, I'm Tim. I miss my old friends from the town we moved away from,' said the boy with a small voice.

'Talofa, o a'u o Tim. Ua ou misia au uo tuai mai le taulaga na matou o ese ai,' o le tala lea a le tama ma sina leo itiiti.

Why was Tim sad?

  • A) He lost his toy.
  • B) He was hungry.
  • C) He missed his old friends.
  • D) He fell down.
Introduction of New boy with short black hair and thoughtful brown eyes's predicament, he misses his old town.
Mia felt a strange tug in her heart. 'Buster and I can be your friends, Tim. Do you want to play with us?' she offered.

Na lagona e Mia se toso ese i lona loto. 'E mafai ona avea ma'ua ma Buster ma au uo, Tim. E te fia taaalo ma i matou?' sa ia ofo atu.

What did Mia offer to Tim?

  • A) A toy
  • B) Her lunch
  • C) To be his friend
  • D) A book
Little girl with bright green eyes and curly brown hair offers friendship and play to New boy with short black hair and thoughtful brown eyes.
Tim's eyes lit up, and he nodded eagerly. Together, the three of them played until the sun was high in the sky.

Na susulu mata o Tim, ma luelue lona ulu ma le naunautai. Sa taaalo faatasi i latou e toatolu seia oo ina maualuga le la i le lagi.

What did Tim do after Mia offered to be friends?

  • A) He stayed sad.
  • B) He continued to sit.
  • C) He nodded and played with them.
  • D) He went home.
New boy with short black hair and thoughtful brown eyes accepts Little girl with bright green eyes and curly brown hair's offer, they all play together.
As they played, Mia learned that Tim liked stories about pirates and that he was really good at drawing treasure maps.

A o latou taaalo, sa iloa e Mia e fiafia Tim i tala e uiga i tagata faomea ma e matua lelei lava o ia i le tusiaina o faafanua o oa.

What is Tim good at drawing?

  • A) Houses
  • B) Animals
  • C) Cars
  • D) Treasure maps
Little girl with bright green eyes and curly brown hair discovers New boy with short black hair and thoughtful brown eyes's interests in pirates and maps.
Mia shared her favorite things too. She told Tim how she could run really fast and loved making daisy chains.

Sa faasoa mai foi e Mia mea e sili ona fiafia i ai. Sa ia ta'u atu ia Tim le auala e mafai ai ona ia momo'e saosaoa ma fiafia e fai filifili daisy.

What did Mia say she loved doing?

  • A) Making daisy chains
  • B) Drawing
  • C) Swimming
  • D) Singing
Little girl with bright green eyes and curly brown hair shares her own interests with New boy with short black hair and thoughtful brown eyes.
Soon, other children came over to see what the fun was about. Mia introduced them to Tim and they all played together.

E lei umi, ae o mai isi tamaiti e vaai po o le a le mea malie. Na faailoa atu e Mia ia Tim ma latou taaalo faatasi uma.

What did Mia do when other children came?

  • A) She played a game.
  • B) She introduced them to Tim.
  • C) She made daisy chains.
  • D) She went home.
Other kids join Little girl with bright green eyes and curly brown hair and New boy with short black hair and thoughtful brown eyes, playtime becomes group fun.
Tim showed everyone how to draw a treasure map and the kids pretended to search for gold coins in the sandbox.

Na faaali atu e Tim i tagata uma le auala e tusi ai se faafanua oa ma faafoliga tamaiti o loo sue ni tupe auro i totonu o le pusa oneone.

What did the children pretend to search for?

  • A) Gold coins
  • B) Pirates
  • C) Buster
  • D) Flowers
New boy with short black hair and thoughtful brown eyes leads a treasure map game, sandbox becomes a pretend treasure hunt.
Mia smiled as she watched Tim laugh and play. She was glad that she talked to him earlier and made him feel welcome.

Sa ataata Mia a o ia matamata atu ia Timo o ata ma taalo. Sa fiafia o ia ona sa ia talanoa muamua atu ia te ia ma faia ia lagona le taliaina o ia.

How did Mia feel watching Tim?

  • A) Sad
  • B) Angry
  • C) Glad
  • D) Confused
Little girl with bright green eyes and curly brown hair observes New boy with short black hair and thoughtful brown eyes's happiness, reflects on her kindness.
At the end of the day, Tim said, 'Thank you, Mia, for being so nice to me. I feel happy to have made a new friend!'

I le faaiuga o le aso, sa fai atu Timo, 'Faafetai, Mia, mo lou agalelei mai ia te au. Ou te lagona le fiafia ua ou maua se uo fou!'

What did Tim thank Mia for?

  • A) For giving him a toy.
  • B) For being nice to him.
  • C) For making him lunch.
  • D) For playing fetch.
New boy with short black hair and thoughtful brown eyes expresses gratitude to Little girl with bright green eyes and curly brown hair, acknowledges new friendship.
Mia hugged Tim. 'Friends are like stars; they make our world bright,' she said. And with a smile, they promised to play again tomorrow.

Sa fusi e Mia Tim. ‘O uo e pei o fetu; latou te faamalamalamaina ai lo tatou lalolagi,' o lana tala lea. Ma faatasi ai ma se ataata, sa latou folafola atu e toe taaalo taeao.

What did Mia compare friends to?

  • A) Flowers
  • B) Stars
  • C) Clouds
  • D) Mountains
Little girl with bright green eyes and curly brown hair and New boy with short black hair and thoughtful brown eyes promise to continue their friendship, end on heartwarming note.

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