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Perry's Reading Adventure
La aventura de lectura de Perry
Perry the Puppy was a little ball of fluff, always playful and never gruff. One sunny day, he went to school, excited to learn and follow the golden rule.

Perry the Puppy era una bolita peluda, siempre juguetona y nunca brusca. Un d铆a soleado, fue a la escuela emocionado por aprender y seguir la regla de oro.

What color is Perry's backpack?

  • A) Red
  • B) Green
  • C) Blue
  • D) Yellow
Perry is a brown and black puppy with big brown eyes, walking to school with a bright red backpack on his back. The sun is shining, and birds are chirping in the trees.
In class, Perry tried to read, but it was a bit tricky indeed. He stumbled over words and felt quite low, thinking reading was something he'd never know.

En clase, Perry intent贸 leer, pero le resultaba un poco complicado. Tropez贸 con las palabras y se sinti贸 bastante deprimido, pensando que leer era algo que nunca sabr铆a.

Why was Perry feeling low?

  • A) Because reading was tricky
  • B) Because he missed his home
  • C) Because he was hungry
  • D) Because he was tired
Perry the black and brown fluffy puppy with big brown eyes, is sitting at a desk in a classroom, looking at a book with a frustrated expression.
But Perry didn't give up, he worked hard with a little hiccup. With determination in his heart, he practiced reading and made a start.

Pero Perry no se rindi贸, trabaj贸 duro con un peque帽o contratiempo. Con determinaci贸n en su coraz贸n, practic贸 la lectura y comenz贸.

Why did Perry practice reading?

  • A) To become a chef
  • B) To learn how to dance
  • C) To improve his reading
  • D) To play video games
Perry the black and brown fluffy puppy with big brown eyes, is sitting at a table with books and a teacher, looking focused and determined.
With each day that passed, Perry got better at last. Putting words together, he read with joy, oh boy! Perry the Puppy had found his voice, reading books of every choice.

Con cada d铆a que pasaba, Perry finalmente mejoraba. Juntando palabras, ley贸 con alegr铆a, 隆oh muchacho! Perry the Puppy hab铆a encontrado su voz leyendo libros de todo tipo.

Where did Perry find his joy?

  • A) At the beach
  • B) In the kitchen
  • C) In the library
  • D) At the park
Perry the black and brown fluffy puppy with big brown eyes, is standing in a library surrounded by colorful books, wearing a big smile on his face.
So kids, remember Perry's tale, with determination, you won't fail. Keep trying and give your best, and you'll succeed like all the rest!

As铆 que ni帽os, recuerden el cuento de Perry: con determinaci贸n, no fracasar谩n. 隆Sigue intent谩ndolo y da lo mejor de ti y triunfar谩s como todos los dem谩s!

What should you do to succeed?

  • A) Give up when it's hard
  • B) Procrastinate and play all day
  • C) Keep trying and give your best
  • D) Ask for help from others
Perry the black and brown fluffy puppy with big brown eyes, is standing in front of a group of kids, giving them a thumbs-up with a happy grin.
With a wag of his tail and a bark of delight, Perry the Puppy bid you all goodnight. So snuggle up tight, close your eyes with a yawn, and dream of reading adventures till the dawn.

Con un movimiento de su cola y un ladrido de alegr铆a, Perry the Puppy les dio las buenas noches a todos. As铆 que acurr煤cate bien, cierra los ojos bostezando y sue帽a con leer aventuras hasta el amanecer.

What should you do after hearing Perry's story?

  • A) Stay awake and play
  • B) Snuggle up tight and dream
  • C) Jump and run around
  • D) Start a loud party
Perry the black and brown fluffy puppy with big brown eyes, is curled up in a cozy blanket, looking sleepy and content.

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