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The Adventures of Prime and Composite

Once upon a time, in a magical land called Numberland, there lived a brave figure named Prime. Prime had a special power - he could only be divided by 1 and himself. He had a shiny golden armor and a big smile on his face. His best friend and sidekick was Composite. Composite was a friendly figure who could be divided by more than just 1 and himself. He had a colorful armor and a mischievous grin. Together, they protected the balance of numbers in Numberland.

In Numberland, Brave figure with golden armor and a big smile and Friendly figure with colorful armor and a mischievous grin stand tall, ready to fight evil.

One sunny day, Prime and Composite received a message from the Number Queen. She told them that evil forces were trying to destroy the balance of numbers. Prime and Composite knew they had to act quickly. They set off on their adventure, determined to save Numberland.

Brave figure with golden armor and a big smile and Friendly figure with colorful armor and a mischievous grin receive a message from the Number Queen.

As they journeyed through Numberland, Prime and Composite encountered a tricky puzzle. They came across a group of numbers and had to figure out which ones were prime and which ones were composite. Prime used his special power to quickly identify the prime numbers, while Composite used his knowledge of factors to find the composite numbers. Together, they solved the puzzle and continued on their way.

Brave figure with golden armor and a big smile and Friendly figure with colorful armor and a mischievous grin solve a puzzle, using their special powers.

Suddenly, they heard an evil laugh coming from a dark cave. Prime and Composite cautiously entered the cave and found themselves face to face with the Number Goblin. The Number Goblin was a sneaky creature who wanted to make all numbers composite. Prime and Composite knew they had to stop him.

Brave figure with golden armor and a big smile and Friendly figure with colorful armor and a mischievous grin confront the sneaky Sneaky creature with a wicked smile and pointy ears in a dark cave.

A fierce battle ensued between Prime, Composite, and the Number Goblin. Prime used his prime power to protect the prime numbers, while Composite used his composite power to defend the composite numbers. With their combined strength, they defeated the Number Goblin and saved Numberland from destruction.

Brave figure with golden armor and a big smile, Friendly figure with colorful armor and a mischievous grin, and the Sneaky creature with a wicked smile and pointy ears engage in a fierce battle.

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